Thursday, July 9, 2020

Maryof Magdala page 21

Mary of Magdala page 21 by ric gustafson

Matthew's party was in full swing.
A religious leader walked up to Jesus. " Teacher, why did you invite these tax collectors to the party?".
" I invited them". His voice hesitated. " I asked all of them to come".
" Why did you invite them?".
" I have to call sinners". He smiled. " It is the sick who need a doctor".
Mary and Joanna were astonished at what they were seeing.
Later, three men tried to attack a Roman centurion at the party.
Jesus asked all three if they would like to join their group.
Simon a Zealot said yes
Dismas and a third man said no.

research help: ' Mary called Magdalene' by Margaret George

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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