Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Mary of Magdala page 19

Mary of Magdala page 19 by ric gustafson

As they walked out of Peter's house, a woman fell at Jesus's feet.
" Help me Help me".
Her friend spoke up. " They will not let her have a normal life".
" Who are they?".
An evil voice came out of her mouth. " Jesus of Nazareth, have you come to destroy us?".
" Be quiet".
" I know who you are". The evil voice hesitated. " You are the Holy One of God".
" Come out of her".
The woman shrieked. Then with a shout, the evil spirit left her body.
Jesus drew the woman up to her feet. " They are gone". He smiled. " What is your name?".
" I am Joanna". She grinned. " The wife of Chuza".

research help: ' Mary called Magdalene' by Margaret George

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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