Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Damnation Bridge page 3

Damnation Bridge page 3 by ric gustafson

" If you will join me on my trail". Jesus pointed. " You can enjoy eternal life with me".
" Like I said before". Lucifer sneered. " What a bunch of crock".
I scratched my chin. " I'm not sure which one to do?".
Jesus grinned. " You do need to make a choice".
" Yes". Lucifer pointed. " My party has already started".
" Remember". Jesus's voice hesitated. " Your choice is eternal".
I thought hard for a minute. I thought about my life. It's going good right now. Why mess it up right now.
" I'm going to cross the bridge".
" Yes". He cackled and danced around. " You lose again Goody two shoes".
I walked across the bridge. Hand in hand, Lucifer led me around the bend.
With tears in his eyes, Jesus turned and walked back down his trail.

The End.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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