Sunday, July 12, 2020

Lazarus and Mr Tucker page 1

Lazarus and Mr Tucker page 1 by ric gustafson

Lloyd Tucker turned on the left blinker. He looked over at the security gate. He frowned at the old man who was lying by the gate. The security gate opened. Next to it was the security guard.
He lowered the window. " Good morning Gordon".
" Good morning Mr Tucker". He pushed the gate button.
" Has that old man been causing any problems?".
" No Mr Tucker". He drove through the gate. " He just lies there".
Lloyd drove down into the underground parking lot. He parked in his normal spot. He walked into the elevator. It opened onto the 19th floor. He walked up to the receptionist. " Good morning Rhonda".
" Morning Mr Tucker".
He began to open his door.
" Mr Tucker".
" Yes".
" There is an important call for you on line 1"

research help: The Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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