Thursday, July 16, 2020

the Forgotten page 3

the Forgotten page 3 by ric gustafson

Maynard gave the grizzled Captain a sad stare. " I need a job".
" Great". He pulled up the anchor. " You can help me get ready to head out".
Captain Muncie started the boat.
Maynard took care of the jetty ropes. ' The Forgotten' eased into the harbor. The boat headed west into deeper and deeper water.
Maynard walked into the steering booth. " So, where are we going?".
" To do my job". He lit his black pipe. " We need to go to the deepest part of the sea".
After what seemed like forever, Captain Muncie began to slow the boat. He cut the motor and dropped the anchor. " Ready to go to work".
" Sure".
" I'm going to use the lift to bring up our cargo to the deck". His tired voice hesitated. " And then we will put them by the edge of the boat".
" Them?".
" Actually black bags".
When this was done, Maynard noticed a tag on each bag. It read ' past sins'.
Captain Muncie began to hand Maynard the bags. " Just throw them overboard".
After several hours, all the bags were overboard.
" That's it for tonight". He put the lift down and closed the cargo hold. He turned the motor on.
Maynard pulled the anchor.
As they headed home, Maynard had a question. " Why did we just throw all those bags overboard?".
" Past sins are forgotten and thrown into the deepest sea". He smiled at Maynard. " And remembered no more".

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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