Friday, July 17, 2020

a great cloud of witnesses page 1

a great cloud of witnesses page 1 by ric gustafson

Charlie Hansen walked down the hotel hallway. He had just registered for the race tomorrow morning. As he passed one of the ballrooms, he noticed a sign. It read ' Hebrews 11 Old Testament Hall of Fame Banquet'. A man named ' Michael' was sitting by the entrance.
" What banquet is this?".
The angel smiled. " They are honoring men and women who all died in faith".
Charlie smiled. " So who are they honoring tonight?".
" There's Abel who gave an excellent sacrifice unto God".
Charlie grinned. " I learned about him in Sunday School".
" There's Enoch who did not die but went right to heaven".
" Who else is being honored?".
" Noah, Abraham and Sara".
Charlie glanced at his watch. " I better go and get some sleep before the race tomorrow".
Michael gave him a hug. " Good luck tomorrow".

research help: The Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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