Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Mary of Magdala page 39

Mary of Magdala page 39 by ric gustafson

Mary watched as Jesus stood by a pillar. The pillar was in an outer court of the Temple. A large group of Pharisees were watching him.
" My people, I welcome your questions about the Law and the scriptures".
Just then, a Pharisee spoke up. " By what authority, do you speak these things?".
Jesus stopped talking. " I will answer your question if you answer mine".
The man nodded.
" The baptism of John". Jesus stared at the stocky Pharisee. " Was it of God or of men?".
The Pharisee shook his head. " We cannot tell you".
" Then neither shall I tell you by what authority I do these things".
Judas sneered/ " He is getting himself into big trouble".
" What do you mean?". Mary stared at him. " Is he in danger?".
" Yes he is".

research help: ' Mary called Magdalene' by Margaret George

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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