Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Mary of Magdala page 18

Mary of Magdala page 18 by ric gustafson

Earlier, James and John had joined the group.
One night, Mary and Jesus were at Peter's house. Jesus was tired from all the people he was healing.
Just then, there was a scraping and pounding noise from the roof. Plaster began to fall on them. A large hole appeared in the ceiling.
" Please help our friend" voices said from above. " He is paralyzed".
Jesus steadied the litter as it was lowered. The man on it was weak and could barely raise his head.
" Son, your sins are forgiven". Jesus smiled. " Your friends have made you well".
A voice yelled from outside. " Who are you to forgive sins?".
" Is it easier to forgive sins?". Jesus's voice hesitated. " Or restore life to limbs".
" You are saying blasphemy".
He focused on the man on the mat. " Stand up on your feet and walk".
The man tried to get up.
" Pick up your mat and carry it out".

research help: ' Mary called Magdalene' by Margaret George

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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