Friday, July 24, 2020

Mary of Magdala page 30

Mary of Magdala page 30 by ric gustafson

A young woman was shoved in front of Mary. Mary tried to uncover her face.
" Leave me" yelled a demon from inside of her.
" No" Mary yelled back. " I will not leave you until you are restored to yourself". She touched the head of the young woman. " In the name of Jesus of Nazareth". She gripped her head harder. " I command you to leave her". Then Mary shouted. " Depart!".
One of the demons spoke up. " Jesus, I know and respect".
Another demon hissed. " Why should we obey you?".
Mary got bold. " I am a follower of Jesus". She yelled. " I am commanded by him to vanquish you".
A demon laughed. " We do recognize you".
" Depart forever". Mary yelled louder. " Return to the realms of hell".
The young woman began to shudder and shake.
Mary could see shadows of forms departing. Then the woman went limp in Mary's arms.
Mary smiled. " What is your name?".
" Susanna".

research help: ' Mary called Magdalene' by Margaret George

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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