Saturday, July 4, 2020

Mary of Magdala page 16

Mary of Magdala page 16 by ric gustafson

The synagogue was full. Mary and Jesus's mother were sitting off to the side. There were prayers and readings.
At one point, Jesus stood up to read. He read from the prophet Isaiah.
When he was finished, the scroll was put away.
" This scripture will be fulfilled in your hearing".
There was heavy silence.
Jesus stared at the crowd. " Today it begins".
" Aren't you Joseph's son?". The crowd began to murmur. " How would you know this?".
Jesus looked at them all. " Because I myself will fulfill them".
Someone stood up and yelled. " What do you mean you will fulfill this scripture?".
" I will fulfill my Father's will to you".
Someone yelled. " This is nonsense".
" The will of God my heavenly Father".
Enraged, the crowd pushed Jesus out of the door of the synagogue.
They pushed him up the hill to the edge of a cliff.
" Kill him".
Then, the crowd split.
Jesus walked through the crowd and left.
It was not his hour.

research help: ' Mary called Magdalene' by Margaret George

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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