Friday, July 31, 2020

Mary of Magdala page 41

Mary of Magdala page41 by ric gustafson

Mary looked around the spacious upper room. Everything was being prepared. The couches and low tables had been set up by Joanna. Jesus's mother was chopping apples and grinding cinnamon to flavor the wine. Susanna was working on barley and flour to make flat unleavened bread. Somebody put pottery cups on the table. The kitchen they were using was small but adequate. It was also well provided.
Later as a servant, Jesus washed all of their feet.
Later, Jesus held up a cup of wine. " This is my blood of the new covenant". He looked intently at everyone. " One of you here will betray me". Jesus dipped a piece of bread. He handed it to Judas. " What you are about to do". Jesus sighed. " Do quickly".
Judas quietly left.
Jesus smiled. " You are my chosen ones".

research help: ' Mary called Magdalene' by Margaret George

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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