Friday, July 31, 2020

Mary of Magdala page 41

Mary of Magdala page41 by ric gustafson

Mary looked around the spacious upper room. Everything was being prepared. The couches and low tables had been set up by Joanna. Jesus's mother was chopping apples and grinding cinnamon to flavor the wine. Susanna was working on barley and flour to make flat unleavened bread. Somebody put pottery cups on the table. The kitchen they were using was small but adequate. It was also well provided.
Later as a servant, Jesus washed all of their feet.
Later, Jesus held up a cup of wine. " This is my blood of the new covenant". He looked intently at everyone. " One of you here will betray me". Jesus dipped a piece of bread. He handed it to Judas. " What you are about to do". Jesus sighed. " Do quickly".
Judas quietly left.
Jesus smiled. " You are my chosen ones".

research help: ' Mary called Magdalene' by Margaret George

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Word: Ruth

God's Word: Ruth by ric gustafson

The book of Ruth was written in 1350-1000 possibly by Samuel. The purpose of the book is to demonstrate the kindness and faithfulness that God desires for us. This book is set during the era of the judges. This was a time of spiritual and moral decay. This story involves an Israelite named Naomi and her daughter in law Ruth. In Bethlehem, Ruth meets Boaz a man of kindness. He marries Ruth and buys back Naomi's land. Ruth and Boaz are ancestors of Jesus.
Ruth 1:16 says your people will be my people and your God my God

research help: ' The Books of the Bible made easy' by Rose Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Mary of Magdala page 40

Mary of Magdala page 40 by ric gustafson

That night, some of the group went with Jesus to a party in Bethany. A former leper named Simon was the host.
At one point, Jesus heard a stopper being removed from an alabaster jar. A woman was at his feet kissing them. Then she stood up and poured the contents over Jesus's head. The woman then took a cloth and wiped the ointment from Jesus's face. Then she took the rest of the ointment and rubbed it on Jesus's feet. Then she rubbed off the ointment with her hair.
" What a waste". Judas sneered. " Master, how could you have permitted this?".
" Leave her alone". Jesus frowned at Judas. " She has done a beautiful thing".
Jesus helped her to her feet. " She is preparing my body for burial".
She quietly left.
The party ended.

research help: ' Mary called Magdalene' by Margaret George

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Word: Judges

God's Word: Judges by ric gustafson

The book of Judges was written in 1350-1000 BC possibly by Samuel. The purpose of this book was to stress the importance of remaining loyal to God.
Once in the Promised Land, the tribes of Israel start a rapid spiritual and moral decline. When the people cried out to God, he raised up leaders or judges to deliver the people. After a period of time, the cycle would start again. God raised these judges when they were needed.
Judges 21:25 says in those days Israel had no king everyone did as they saw fit.

research help: ' The Books of the Bible made easy' by Rose Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Mary of Magdala page 39

Mary of Magdala page 39 by ric gustafson

Mary watched as Jesus stood by a pillar. The pillar was in an outer court of the Temple. A large group of Pharisees were watching him.
" My people, I welcome your questions about the Law and the scriptures".
Just then, a Pharisee spoke up. " By what authority, do you speak these things?".
Jesus stopped talking. " I will answer your question if you answer mine".
The man nodded.
" The baptism of John". Jesus stared at the stocky Pharisee. " Was it of God or of men?".
The Pharisee shook his head. " We cannot tell you".
" Then neither shall I tell you by what authority I do these things".
Judas sneered/ " He is getting himself into big trouble".
" What do you mean?". Mary stared at him. " Is he in danger?".
" Yes he is".

research help: ' Mary called Magdalene' by Margaret George

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Mary of Magdala page 38

Mary of Magdala page 38 by ric gustafson

Jesus and the group walked up to the Court of the Gentiles. There were cages, stalls and endless tables for changing money.
" No unclean currency here". A vendor put coins in Jesus's face. " No counterfeit coins here".
" You are all thieves". Jesus began to heave the tables over. " All of you".
Piles of coins and ledgers flew everywhere. The merchants began to retrieve the scattered coins.
" This was a house of prayer". Jesus yelled. " But you have turned it into a den of robbers". Jesus picked up a whip from a passing man and began attacking the money changers.
Mary and the others watched Jesus in horror.
A money changer yelled. " You owe us damages".
Jesus yelled back. " You owe God damages".
Soldiers at the scene did nothing.
Jesus and the others left as quickly as they came.
That night, Judas quietly left for the Holy City.

research help: ' Mary called Magdalene' by Margaret George

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Mary of Magdala page 37

Mary of Magdala page 37 by ric gustafson

Mary stood by the donkey as it slowly came down the steep path from the Mount of Olives. Jesus was on top of it. As they approached the city gate, people were waving palm branches.
Others shouted. " Hosanna to the Son of David".
Others cried out Psalm 18. " Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord".
" It's all staged". Judas hissed. " He arranged it all".
Soldiers were asking themselves " Who is this?".
The donkey stopped at the inner court of the Temple.
Peter stared at the Temple. " Master, what huge stones".
" Are you impressed with that?". Jesus sighed. " In the future, not one stone will remain upon another".
The group gave Jesus a puzzled stare.
" Evening is falling". Jesus grinned. " We need to find a place to sleep tonight".
They rested at the foot of the Mount of Olives.

research help: ' Mary called Magdalene' by Margaret George

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Mary of Magdala page 36

Mary of Magdala page 36 by ric gustafson

They had spent the winter near Caesarea Philippi. The following spring, Jesus gathered them all together.
" Instead of disciples". His voice hesitated. " I now call you friends".
They all smiled.
" Now we must set out on our journey".
They began by walking through Samaria. In Shechem, large crowds came out to greet them.
When they reached Jerusalem, Jesus stopped and looked around.
He began to cry. " Oh Jerusalem".
They did not know what he was talking about.
The little village of Bethany was near Jerusalem. Judas brought a colt for Jesus to get on.
" My friends, we will continue to Jerusalem". He smiled. " We will return here in the evening".

research help: ' Mary called Magdalene' by Margaret George

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Mary of Magdala page 35

Mary of Magdala page 35 by ric gustafson

One day, the group arrived in a strange place.
Peter spoke up. " Master, where are we?".
" The ancient city of Dan". Jesus sighed. " I needed a far away place to think".
Judas spoke up. " And what did you decide?".
" I must go to Jerusalem". Jesus frowned. " There they kill it's prophets".
" No Master". Peter ran over to him. " We will not permit it".
Horror came over Jesus's face. " Go away Satan!".
" Master". Peter began to cry. " I am just a man".
" Peter". Jesus looked at the burly fisherman. " Who do men say that I am?".
The others replied. " Some say John the Baptist or Elijah".
" Peter". Jesus said this in a stern voice. " Who do you say I am?".
" I say you are the one we have been waiting for".
Jesus smiled. " This has been revealed to you by my Father".

research help: ' Mary called Magdalene' by Margaret George

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Word: Joshua

God's Word: Joshua by ric gustafson

The book of Joshua was written in 1300s BC possibly by Joshua or Samuel. The purpose of the book is to assure the people that obedience to God is rewarded. This book tells the story of God bringing his people into the land he promised them.
Joshua 1:7 says be strong and very courageous.

research help: ' The Books of the Bible made easy' by Rose Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Mary of Magdala page 34

Mary of Magdala page 34 by ric gustafson

Jesus and the others stopped and stared. They were looking at a huge flat valley before them.
" The great plain of Megiddo". Jesus frowned. " This is where the last great battle will take place".
Mary looked at Jesus. " When will this take place?".
" At the end of time". Jesus frowned again. " At the last days".
" When Lord?".
" No one knows when the end times will occur" Jesus exclaimed. " Only my Father knows".
" So what do we do in the meantime?".
" Not knowing when". Jesus sighed. " We need to speak and act now".

research help: ' Mary called Magdalene' by Margaret George

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Word: Deuteronomy

God's Word: Deuteronomy by ric gustafson

The book of Deuteronomy was written by Moses in 1446- 1406 BC. This book was written to remind those who would enter the Promised Land what God expects from them. This book is a series of speeches Moses gives on the plains of Moab.
Deuteronomy 6: 4-5 says love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.

research help: ' The Books of the Bible made easy' by Rose Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, July 27, 2020

Mary of Magdala page 33

Mary of Magdala page 33 by ric gustafson

Mary was walking near Jesus. All of a sudden, Big James and John were next to him.
" What were you talking about back there?". Jesus stared at the two. " What were you arguing about?".
" John and I want to ask permission for something important".
" And what is that?".
" We ask permission to sit on either side of you". Big James hesitated. " To be your special helpers".
The others heard this and began to murmur among themselves.
" My Sons of Thunder". Jesus sighed. " You don't know what you are asking".
" We know".
" Can you drink the cup I am going to drink?".
" We can".
" Sitting at my right or left is not for me to grant". Jesus sighed again. " These places belong to those prepared by my Father".

research help: ' Mary called Magdalene' by Margaret George

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Word: Numbers

God's Word: Numbers by ric gustafson

The book of Numbers was written by Moses in 1446- 1406 BC. The purpose of the book is to remind the people about the consequences of rebelling against God. This book is a story of rebellion and disobedience alongside God's grace and mercy. The people rebelled in the wilderness. God punished them. God also preserved them and extended grace to the next generation.
Numbers 6: 24-25 says the Lord bless you and keep you the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you.

research help: ' The Books of the Bible made easy' by Rose Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Mary of Magdala page 32

Mary of Magdala page 32 by ric gustafson

One day, Jesus and the others were walking among some booths. Jesus was playing with the children. All of a sudden, a Pharisee walked up. " Herod Antipas is looking for you".
" Antipas" Jesus exclaimed. " Tell that fox that I heal people and drive out demons".
" I have warned you". The Pharisee walked away.
Then, a young man approached Jesus.
" Teacher". His voice hesitated. " What must I do to inherit eternal life?".
" Know the commandments".
" I have". He grinned. " Since I was a boy".
" Then sell everything you have". He smiled. " Give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven".
The young man listened intently.
" Then come follow me".
The young man frowned. He walked away.
Tears came to Jesus's eyes.
" It is hard for the rich to enter the Kingdom of God".

research help: ' Mary called Magdalene' by Margaret George

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Word: Leviticus

God's Word: Leviticus by ric gustafson

The book of Leviticus was written by Moses in 1446- 1406 BC. The purpose of the book was to instruct Israel on how to be holy and be a blessing to others. This book was to teach how to live in the presence of a holy God. It is a list of instructions and how to make atonement for the people's sins.
God instructed his people from the tabernacle. God revealed his glory. Christ is God's perfect revelation. Jesus was the perfect sacrifice.
Leviticus 20:7 says consecrate yourselves and be holy because I am the Lord your God.

research help: ' The Books of the Bible made easy' by Rose Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Mary of Magdala page 31

Mary of Magdala page 31 by ric gustafson

After forty days, Mary and John came back to Bethsaida. There they found Joanna and Philip. They were introduced to Susanna. The next morning, Matthew, Thomas, Judas and Big James arrived. Later, Simon, Little James, Peter, Nathanael, Thaddeus and Andrew came.
Later, Jesus joined them. " All of you have done well". He smiled. " What did you encounter?".
Mary exclaimed. " The demons obeyed us". She brought forward her new friend. " Teacher, this is the one I released the demons from".
Jesus smiled. " What is your name child?".
" Susanna".
Jesus searched her face. " Will you join us?".
" For now yes".

research help: ' Mary called Magdalene' by Margaret George

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Word: Exodus

God's Word: Exodus by ric gustafson

The book of Exodus was written by Moses in 1446-1406 BC. The purpose of the book is to show God's faithfulness to the covenant and provide Israel with guidelines for holy living. Exodus tells the story of God's people from bondage to freedom. Moses led the Hebrews out of slavery and into the wilderness. God defeated the false gods of Egypt. At Mount Sinai, God gives the people instructions on how to live as holy people.
God has freed us from the bondage of sin and death because of Jesus's death and resurrection.
Exodus 3:14 says God said to Moses I am who I am.

research help: ' The Books of the Bible made easy' by Rose Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, July 24, 2020

Mary of Magdala page 30

Mary of Magdala page 30 by ric gustafson

A young woman was shoved in front of Mary. Mary tried to uncover her face.
" Leave me" yelled a demon from inside of her.
" No" Mary yelled back. " I will not leave you until you are restored to yourself". She touched the head of the young woman. " In the name of Jesus of Nazareth". She gripped her head harder. " I command you to leave her". Then Mary shouted. " Depart!".
One of the demons spoke up. " Jesus, I know and respect".
Another demon hissed. " Why should we obey you?".
Mary got bold. " I am a follower of Jesus". She yelled. " I am commanded by him to vanquish you".
A demon laughed. " We do recognize you".
" Depart forever". Mary yelled louder. " Return to the realms of hell".
The young woman began to shudder and shake.
Mary could see shadows of forms departing. Then the woman went limp in Mary's arms.
Mary smiled. " What is your name?".
" Susanna".

research help: ' Mary called Magdalene' by Margaret George

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Word: Genesis

God's Word: Genesis by ric gustafson

This first book of God's Word was written by Moses in 1446- 1406 BC. The purpose of Genesis is to show that God is sovereign and loves his creation. This is a book of origins. The creation of the world, the beginning of human problems and the beginning of God's solution to those problems. God begins to restore brokenness by choosing Abraham's family. Genesis shows the origin of sin and God's promise to solve it.
Genesis 17:7 says ' I will establish my covenant as an everlasting covenant between me and you and your descendants'.

research help: ' The Books of the Bible made easy' by Rose Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Mary of Magdala page 29

Mary of Magdala page 29 by ric gustafson

Jesus gathered his followers.
" I want you to go out on missions two by two".
Peter looked shocked. " Two by two".
" I want you to go into the countryside villages and towns".
Peter stared at Jesus. " And do what?".
" Preach the news of the Kingdom of God".
Another follower spoke up. " How do we do that?".
" I will give you the power".
Another follower spoke up. " The power to do what?".
" Heal the sick and cast out demons".
Jesus told them the pairings.
" Mary, I want you to go with John".
" No Master I cannot". She gave Jesus a puzzled stare. " I am a woman".
" That is why you must rely on God".

research help: ' Mary called Magdalene' by Margaret George

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Mary of Magdala page 28

Mary of Magdala page 28 by ric gustafson

Jesus and Mary walked up to the market square in Bethsaida. There they encountered a young man sweeping up litter debris.
" What is your name?" inquired Jesus.
He rested his broom. " Thaddeus".
Mary thought for a moment. " Any news from around here?".
" The big news is that John the Baptist was executed two days ago".
Jesus frowned. " Dead?".
" Yes, by Herod Antipas".
Mary began to cry. " What happened to the body?".
" I don't know". The young man frowned. " His head was put on a big silver platter". He stared at Jesus. " Are you Jesus that I have heard of?".
" I am".
" Be careful". He picked up his broom. " Antipas is looking for you".
" Thank you for your concern".

research help: ' Mary called Magdalene' by Margaret George

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Mary of Magdala page 27

Mary of Magdala page 27 by ric gustafson

One late afternoon, Jesus and his followers reached a little village. Three men ran out to them.
" Are you Jesus of Nazareth?".
" Yes". Jesus grinned. " Originally of Nazareth".
One spoke up. " John the Baptist told us about you".
" John was a true prophet and man of God".
" Why did you do it?". The man yelled. " Why did you leave John?".
" I respect John". Jesus grinned. " God had different demands for me".
" I had a dream that John had been imprisoned". Mary frowned. " Is it true?".
" Yes, it is true".
" I wish God". Mary began to cry. " Would remove my visions".
" Mary". Jesus smiled. " God has decided that you will not be ordinary".

research help: ' Mary called Magdalene' by Margaret George

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

a great cloud of witnesses page 5

a great cloud of witnesses page 5 by ric gustafson

As Charlie ran for the finish line, he could feel his stamina increase. He looked to the right of the finish line. There was a small set of stands set up. As he came up to the finish line, he noticed three people sitting in the stands.
Noah, Moses and Uncle Frank were standing there cheering him on. As he crossed that finish line, he knew he could not of finished without them cheering him on. He smiled because he had finished the race. In our Christian race, we have a great cloud of witnesses cheering us on. What a blessing.

The End

research help: The Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Damnation Bridge page 3

Damnation Bridge page 3 by ric gustafson

" If you will join me on my trail". Jesus pointed. " You can enjoy eternal life with me".
" Like I said before". Lucifer sneered. " What a bunch of crock".
I scratched my chin. " I'm not sure which one to do?".
Jesus grinned. " You do need to make a choice".
" Yes". Lucifer pointed. " My party has already started".
" Remember". Jesus's voice hesitated. " Your choice is eternal".
I thought hard for a minute. I thought about my life. It's going good right now. Why mess it up right now.
" I'm going to cross the bridge".
" Yes". He cackled and danced around. " You lose again Goody two shoes".
I walked across the bridge. Hand in hand, Lucifer led me around the bend.
With tears in his eyes, Jesus turned and walked back down his trail.

The End.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, July 20, 2020

a great cloud of witnesses page 4

a great cloud of witnesses page 4 by ric gustafson

Charlie ran up to the nine mile marker. He knew he could not go any farther. His legs hurt, his eyes were stinging from the heat and he was getting very tired. Just then, he noticed the water station coming up. He ducked under the tent flap.
An old man, wearing a faded robe and carrying a wooden staff, handed him a cup of water. " You look thirsty young man".
" I am". He gulped down the water. " Thank you".
" I know what it's like to be thirsty in the heat".
Charlie stared at the old man. " You look like Moses".
" It's interesting you said that". He handed a runner some water. " Because my name is Moses".
" The burning bush Moses?".
" That's right". He gave a runner some water. " I'm here to give you encouragement".
Charlie gulped down some more water. " I sure can use it".
" I'm here to encourage you to run that last three miles". He smiled. " And not to give up".
Charlie ran out of the tent with renewed vigor.

research help: The Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Damnation Bridge page 2

Damnation Bridge page 2 by ric gustafson

Standing by a small trail was a young bearded man. He was dressed in white shorts and a white shirt.
" Well, look who's here". Lucifer sneered. " Mr Goody two shoes".
" You knew I had to come".
" I know". He sneered again. " I was hoping you wouldn't come this time".
I stared at both of them. " I'm confused".
Lucifer snickered. " That is the general idea".
Jesus grinned. " I offer you an alternative to the bridge".
" Oh boy". Lucifer exclaimed. " Here we go".
Jesus pointed. " My trail is small and narrow".
" His trail is stupid and boring".
Jesus smiled. " But the rewards of taking my trail are everlasting".
Lucifer laughed. " What a bunch of crock".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Damnation Bridge page 1

Damnation Bridge page 1 by ric gustafson

I was walking around the lake today. It was beautiful out this Sun morning. It was sunny out and not hot yet. It is six to seven miles around the whole lake.
Two thirds of the way around, I walked up to a small wooden bridge. On the side of the bridge was a sign. It read ' Damnation Bridge'. Next to it was a man dressed in red shorts and a flaming red shirt.
" Good morning". He gave me an evil grin. " Welcome to the Damnation Bridge".
" I would like to cross the bridge". I smiled. " And continue on my walk".
" Of course". He grinned again. " In fact around the next bend is a party I am having".
" A party?".
" With every kind of pleasure you can think of".
" Great". I walked up to the strange man.
" Hello Lucifer".
The man in red and I turned.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

a great cloud of witnesses page3

a great cloud of witnesses page 3 by ric gustafson

Charlie could feel it in his legs and on his face. His legs were getting tired. The sun was affecting his running. ' I want to quit this race' he thought as the six mile marker came up. He was about to stop when he saw the water station up ahead.
He walked under the tent flap.
He was handed a cup of water. " How are you Charlie my boy?".
Charlie looked up to see the smiling face of his favorite uncle.
" Uncle Frank". He gulped down the water. " What are you doing here?".
" I am here to encourage you".
Charlie drank more water. " Encourage me?".
" Yes, to stay in this race".
" Uncle Frank, my legs hurt". He gulped down more water. " And sweat is stinging my eyes".
" Hang in there". He gave Charlie a hug. " And don't give up".
" Ok Uncle Frank".
He ran out of the tent.

research help: The Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, July 18, 2020

a great cloud of witnesses page 2

a great cloud of witnesses page 2 by ric gustafson

Charlie stretched his legs and tried to relax. He noticed the other runners were doing the same thing. This was his first major race. It was warm out. He began to doubt if he could finish the race.
The gun went off. Charlie started slowly in the middle of the pack. After three miles, the heat made him drop out of the pack. He was already thirsty. He grinned. He could see a water station ahead.
He stopped underneath the tent. 
A grizzled old man handed him a cup of water.
Charlie quickly drank the water.
" I'm Noah". The old man gave another runner some water. " I'm here to give you encouragement".
Charlie ran out of the tent with renewed vigor.

research help: The Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, July 17, 2020

a great cloud of witnesses page 1

a great cloud of witnesses page 1 by ric gustafson

Charlie Hansen walked down the hotel hallway. He had just registered for the race tomorrow morning. As he passed one of the ballrooms, he noticed a sign. It read ' Hebrews 11 Old Testament Hall of Fame Banquet'. A man named ' Michael' was sitting by the entrance.
" What banquet is this?".
The angel smiled. " They are honoring men and women who all died in faith".
Charlie smiled. " So who are they honoring tonight?".
" There's Abel who gave an excellent sacrifice unto God".
Charlie grinned. " I learned about him in Sunday School".
" There's Enoch who did not die but went right to heaven".
" Who else is being honored?".
" Noah, Abraham and Sara".
Charlie glanced at his watch. " I better go and get some sleep before the race tomorrow".
Michael gave him a hug. " Good luck tomorrow".

research help: The Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, July 16, 2020

the Forgotten page 3

the Forgotten page 3 by ric gustafson

Maynard gave the grizzled Captain a sad stare. " I need a job".
" Great". He pulled up the anchor. " You can help me get ready to head out".
Captain Muncie started the boat.
Maynard took care of the jetty ropes. ' The Forgotten' eased into the harbor. The boat headed west into deeper and deeper water.
Maynard walked into the steering booth. " So, where are we going?".
" To do my job". He lit his black pipe. " We need to go to the deepest part of the sea".
After what seemed like forever, Captain Muncie began to slow the boat. He cut the motor and dropped the anchor. " Ready to go to work".
" Sure".
" I'm going to use the lift to bring up our cargo to the deck". His tired voice hesitated. " And then we will put them by the edge of the boat".
" Them?".
" Actually black bags".
When this was done, Maynard noticed a tag on each bag. It read ' past sins'.
Captain Muncie began to hand Maynard the bags. " Just throw them overboard".
After several hours, all the bags were overboard.
" That's it for tonight". He put the lift down and closed the cargo hold. He turned the motor on.
Maynard pulled the anchor.
As they headed home, Maynard had a question. " Why did we just throw all those bags overboard?".
" Past sins are forgotten and thrown into the deepest sea". He smiled at Maynard. " And remembered no more".

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

the Forgotten page 2

the Forgotten page 2 by ric gustafson

Maynard looked at the piece of paper. It had directions on it. He got out of the cab. He gave the last of his money to the cab driver. " You are sure this is the right place?".
" Positive".
Maynard walked onto the jetty. There were boats of all shapes and sizes. He looked at the boats on both sides of the jetty.
After a while, he walked up to a small gangplank. The boat looked like a typical deep sea vessel. It was mostly white with a huge cargo space below deck. He could see huge burlap bags filling up the cargo hold.
Just then, Maynard noticed a grizzled old man with a black pipe in his mouth come up to him. " I'm Captain Jack Muncie". He hesitated. " What can I do for you?".
" I'm searching for ' the Forgotten".
" This is it". He pointed at the vessel. " She's old but reliable".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Forgotten page 1

the Forgotten page 1 by ric gustafson

Mavis Pickrell scratched at her chin as she looked at the resume. " I see you worked for this insurance company for twenty five years".
" Yes".
" Nowadays, that's a long time at one company".
" It's the only job I've had since college".
" Mr Buckley, I'm going to be frank with you". She began to skim through some index cards. " I don't have any openings for someone with just insurance skills".
" Mrs Pickrell". Maynard looked at her with sad eyes. " My unemployment is about to stop, I really need a job".
" Well, I do have one possibility". She picked up an index card. " This opening just reached my desk".
" What's the assignment?".
" A boat at the marina needs a deckhand". She smiled. " Are you interested?".
" Yes".
" Good". She handed Maynard the index card. " You need to find a boat called ' the Forgotten' at the marina". She smiled. " Ask for Captain Jack Muncie".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Mary of Magdala page 26

Mary of Magdala page 26 by ric gustafson

Later that night, Jesus and his followers were putting their cloaks on the ground for the night. He heard a noise in the bushes. Three men approached them.
The first one Mary had seen before.
" My name is Judas".
" Welcome".
Mary did not recognize the second man.
" My name is Thomas".
" Welcome".
Mary recognized the third man. He was part of their earlier journey.
" My name is Nathanael".
" Sit". Jesus smiled. " Join us".
Judas frowned. " So what do we do now?".
" I have chosen you to open my heart too".
" Where are we going?" asked Peter
" We will travel to other towns in Galilee".

research help: ' Mary called Magdalene' by Margaret George

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, July 13, 2020

the return of Henry page 3

the return of Henry page 3 by ric gustafson

That night, Georgia read the tract, repented her sins and gave her life to Christ.
The next day was a busy Saturday at work.
At 10 minutes to 4, she turned off her aisle light and walked toward the time clock. A customer stopped her.
" Can you help me out to my car?".
She looked at her supervisor.
He nodded yes.
As they walked toward the car, she thought about the bible tract in her pocket. She quickly prayed to God. " Please show me a sign that I am one of yours".
Just as the woman opened up her trunk lid, she was violently pushed to the side.
A stranger held a gun to her forehead. " Ok lady, give me your purse".
Georgia pulled out the bible tract. " God help us".
Just then, the robber was hit over the head and knocked out.
A store security guard walked up carrying a large flashlight. " Are you two ok?".
" Yes". Georgia exclaimed. " Praise God".
She opened up her hand and the bible tract blew away.
The return of Henry continued.

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the return of Henry page 2

the return of Henry page 2 by ric gustafson

Amanda walked into the small lunchroom. Her friend Georgia was already sitting at a table. She sat down and took an apple out of a bag. " Lots of customers today".
Her friend began to peel an orange. " For a weeknight, it's been busier than usual". She looked at her friend. " Tell me about this Christian stuff Henry got you into".
" One day, Henry asked me if he could show me something". She took something out of her back pocket.
" What did he give you?".
" It's called a bible tract". She handed it to her friend. " It said that I had to make the most important decision of my life".
She glanced at it. " What decision was that?".
" Where I will spend eternity". Her voice hesitated. " Either with God in heaven or without God in hell".
" I've never thought of that before". She scratched her chin. " May I take the tract home and look at it?.
" Sure".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the return of Henry page 1

the return of Henry page 1 by ric gustafson

Amanda yawned as she walked up to the register. She turned the key and put in the drawer. She turned on the aisle light. Her friend Georgia was working in aisle 4.
Amanda yawned as her first customer walked up.
Later, Georgia walked over.
" Why so tired?".
" I only got a couple hours of sleep last night". She started checking out a customer. " Our church high school group was at camp all weekend".
" You really did embrace that Christian stuff didn't you".
" Henry who worked here". Her voice hesitated. " He is the reason I became one".
" I know". She walked back to her register. " Sometimes I miss that old man".
" I regret how I treated him when he worked here". A tear came to Amanda's eye. " I can't bring him back".
Georgia frowned. " We'll talk at lunch".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Mary of Magdala page 25

Mary of Magdala page 25 by ric gustafson

After the horrible incident with his family, Jesus and his followers crossed over to the other side of the lake.
As they walked ashore among some boulders, a strange man ran up to them. He had a stone in each hand. He took one of them and slashed himself across the chest.
The possessed man snarled and dropped down at Jesus's feet.
" Come out of this man". Jesus yelled. " You evil spirit".
" What do you want from me Jesus?". He growled. " Don't torture me".
" What is your name?".
" My name is Legion". He bared his teeth. " For we are many".
Jesus yelled. " Leave this man".
" Don't send us away". The strange voice hesitated. " Send us into those pigs instead".
Jesus looked over at the herds of swine that were grazing near the top of a cliff.
" I give you permission".
Suddenly, the pigs became agitated. Hundreds of them ran over the cliff to the rocks and water below.
Jesus lifted up the now limp man.
He smiled at Jesus. " You saved me".
" God saved you".
He held onto Jesus's arm. " Please let me come with you".
" No".

research help: ' Mary called Magdalene' by Margaret George

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Lazarus and Mr Tucker page 6

Lazarus and Mr Tucker page 6 by ric gustafson

Lloyd yelled across the chasm. " Father Abraham".
There was no response.
" Send the old man so that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue".
Lloyd began to plead.
" For I am in agony in this flame".
Father Abraham spoke up. " Child, remember that during your life that you received your good things". He looked at Lazarus. " Lazarus had his things but now is being comforted here".
The lack of water was beginning to drive Lloyd mad.
" And you are in agony".
" Then I beg you father that you send the old man to my father's house for I have five brothers". His voice hesitated. " That he might warn them not to come to this place of torment".
" They have Moses and the Prophets, let them hear them".
Lloyd thought for a moment. " No Father Abraham but if someone goes to them from the dead, they will repent".
" If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets". The voice hesitated. " Neither will they be persuaded  if someone rises from the dead".

The End

research help: The Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Lazarus and Mr Tucker page 5

Lazarus and Mr Tucker page 5 by ric gustafson

Lloyd walked out of the elevator. He began to walk toward his Lexus.
All of a sudden, he slumped to the ground. " I feel like I'm dying".
His eyes closed.
His eyes opened to reveal a pitch black room. ' Where am I' he wondered as he looked around. The unknown began to invade his thoughts. He was already thirsty. He could not see any water.
What bothered Lloyd the most was that he felt terribly alone. He felt as if God had already left him. He felt as if he was in a flame.
He noticed a small window on a far wall. He inched toward it. He reached it and then looked out. The thirst and constant flame were already driving him mad. He could not believe what he was seeing. He saw Father Abraham a long distance away. He shook his head in disbelief. Cradled in his arms was the old man from his work gate.

research help: The Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Lazarus and Mr Tucker page 4

Lazarus and Mr Tucker page 4 by ric gustafson

Fred Jones pushed the guard button. The door opened revealing Gordon the security guard. Fred glanced over and noticed that the old man was not lying on the sidewalk. " Good morning Gordon".
" Morning Mr Jones".
" What happened to the old man?".
" It was the strangest thing". He shook his head. " At one point, I noticed that the old man had slumped over".
" What did you do?".
" I called 911". His voice hesitated. " Then I rushed over and tried to revive him".
" Were you able to?".
" No, he died in my arms". He had a puzzled look on his face. " Then the strangest thing happened".
" What was that?".
" As he died in my arms". He began to cry". " I thought I heard angels singing".

research help: The Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Lazarus and Mr Tucker page 3

Lazarus and Mr Tucker page 3 by ric gustafson

Lloyd and a co worker were sitting at a picnic table outside.
Lloyd took a bite of a chicken sandwich. He was staring at the old man. " That is a pitiful sight".
Fred Jones took a sip from a diet coke. " He's not bothering anybody". He bit into a potato chip. " So what are your plans for this weekend?".
" I'm going to be playing golf". He took a sip of diet coke. " With three of my five brothers". All of a sudden, he put a hand on his chest.
" What's wrong Lloyd?".
" I've been having some chest discomfort". He sighed. " It comes and it goes".
Fred stood up and threw his lunch into the nearest trash container. " You should get yourself checked out".
Lloyd felt the discomfort as he threw his lunch away.
He stared at the old man in disgust.
He walked back to the office.

research help: The Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Lazarus and Mr Tucker page 2

Lazarus and Mr Tucker page 2 by ric gustafson

Lloyd pushed the button for line 1. " Good morning Police Chief Littler". He fidgeted in his chair. " Were you able to find out anything?".
" Mr Tucker, I checked with the City Attorney". He sighed. " He said the old man can stay as long as he doesn't bother anybody".
" He bothers me Chief". He glanced toward the window. " He wears tattered rags and is covered with sores".
" Mr Tucker, have there been any official complaints against him?".
" No". He frowned. " But I have seen dogs come up and lick at his sores".
" Mr Tucker, I know you don't want him there".  The voice hesitated. " But outside of your security gate is city property".
" So as long as he doesn't bother anybody". He frowned. " He can stay".
" That's correct Mr Tucker".
" Thank you Chief Littler".
Lloyd loudly hung up the phone.

research help: The Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Lazarus and Mr Tucker page 1

Lazarus and Mr Tucker page 1 by ric gustafson

Lloyd Tucker turned on the left blinker. He looked over at the security gate. He frowned at the old man who was lying by the gate. The security gate opened. Next to it was the security guard.
He lowered the window. " Good morning Gordon".
" Good morning Mr Tucker". He pushed the gate button.
" Has that old man been causing any problems?".
" No Mr Tucker". He drove through the gate. " He just lies there".
Lloyd drove down into the underground parking lot. He parked in his normal spot. He walked into the elevator. It opened onto the 19th floor. He walked up to the receptionist. " Good morning Rhonda".
" Morning Mr Tucker".
He began to open his door.
" Mr Tucker".
" Yes".
" There is an important call for you on line 1"

research help: The Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Mary of Magdala page 24

Mary of Magdala page 24 by ric gustafson

Mary watched as the former leper left praising God. Then she noticed a familiar face in the crowd. It was Jesus's mother.
She ran to her son. " Son, have you gone mad?".
James walked up. " So this is what you've been doing instead of helping me with the shop".
Jesus stared at them. " Who is my mother and my brother?".
" We are" they both replied.
He pointed to Mary, Peter and his other followers.
" My mother and brother are those who hear the word of God and do it".
" Jesus". She began to cry. " My son".
" He is not your son". James bellowed. " Or my brother".
They left.
Mary was shocked.
Jesus had just rejected family loyalty.

research help: ' Mary called Magdalene' by Margaret George

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Mary of Magdala page23

Mary of Magdala page 23 by ric gustafson

One day, a large crowd had gathered.
Just then, a Pharisee walked through the crowd and stood next to Jesus. " Teacher". His voice hesitated. " Is it lawful to pay taxes?".
Jesus stared at the man. " Show me a coin".
He held up a Roman denarius.
Jesus studied it. " What image is on the coin?".
" Caesar's".
" Then pay Caesar what is Caesar's". He looked at the Pharisee. " Then pay God what is God's".
" Praise God Praise God".
A young man rushed up to Jesus. " Thank you Thank you".
Jesus studied the young man's face. " This man was part of a group of lepers". He thought for a moment. " There were ten".
He frowned. " What happened to the other nine?".
He touched the young man's hand. " Go".. He smiled. " Your trust has made you well".

research help: ' Mary called Magdalene' by Margaret George

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, July 10, 2020

Mary of Magdala page 22

Mary of Magdala p 22

Jesus looked out at the large crowd.
" I have much to tell you". He smiled. " You are precious to your heavenly Father".
Mary and Joanna listened intently.
" He is your Father". His voice hesitated. " He wants you to think of him as Daddy".
" Blasphemy".
" God wants your heart". He smiled. " That is all".
" Blasphemy".
" The Kingdom of heaven is far more precious".
" Blasphemy".
" The Kingdom of heaven is already here".
Later, Mary asked Jesus a question. " Why did you pick me to join your group?".
" I sensed that you were different".
Jesus smiled. " A life with God is never dull".

research help: ' Mary called Magdalene' by Margaret George

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Maryof Magdala page 21

Mary of Magdala page 21 by ric gustafson

Matthew's party was in full swing.
A religious leader walked up to Jesus. " Teacher, why did you invite these tax collectors to the party?".
" I invited them". His voice hesitated. " I asked all of them to come".
" Why did you invite them?".
" I have to call sinners". He smiled. " It is the sick who need a doctor".
Mary and Joanna were astonished at what they were seeing.
Later, three men tried to attack a Roman centurion at the party.
Jesus asked all three if they would like to join their group.
Simon a Zealot said yes
Dismas and a third man said no.

research help: ' Mary called Magdalene' by Margaret George

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Mary of Magdala page 20

Mary of Magdala page 20 by ric gustafson

Mary and Joanna watched as Jesus talked to the tax collector.
" Leave this Matthew and follow me".
Matthew pointed to the huge piles of coins. " Leave all this".
A tall man walked in. He held up a coin. " It would be hard to give up all this".
Jesus looked at the man. " Greetings Judas".
" I finally get to meet you". Judas grinned. " I'm eager to hear you speak".
" Leave all this". Jesus stared at Matthew. " Follow me".
" All right".
Jesus now looked at Matthew's brother James. " I need you also James".
" I have many friends that are sinners". Matthew grinned. " You are invited to a party tonight at my home".
Jesus smiled. " I accept".
Judas looked at Jesus. " I'd like to come also".

research help: ' Mary called Magdalene' by Margaret George

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Mary of Magdala page 19

Mary of Magdala page 19 by ric gustafson

As they walked out of Peter's house, a woman fell at Jesus's feet.
" Help me Help me".
Her friend spoke up. " They will not let her have a normal life".
" Who are they?".
An evil voice came out of her mouth. " Jesus of Nazareth, have you come to destroy us?".
" Be quiet".
" I know who you are". The evil voice hesitated. " You are the Holy One of God".
" Come out of her".
The woman shrieked. Then with a shout, the evil spirit left her body.
Jesus drew the woman up to her feet. " They are gone". He smiled. " What is your name?".
" I am Joanna". She grinned. " The wife of Chuza".

research help: ' Mary called Magdalene' by Margaret George

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Mary of Magdala page 18

Mary of Magdala page 18 by ric gustafson

Earlier, James and John had joined the group.
One night, Mary and Jesus were at Peter's house. Jesus was tired from all the people he was healing.
Just then, there was a scraping and pounding noise from the roof. Plaster began to fall on them. A large hole appeared in the ceiling.
" Please help our friend" voices said from above. " He is paralyzed".
Jesus steadied the litter as it was lowered. The man on it was weak and could barely raise his head.
" Son, your sins are forgiven". Jesus smiled. " Your friends have made you well".
A voice yelled from outside. " Who are you to forgive sins?".
" Is it easier to forgive sins?". Jesus's voice hesitated. " Or restore life to limbs".
" You are saying blasphemy".
He focused on the man on the mat. " Stand up on your feet and walk".
The man tried to get up.
" Pick up your mat and carry it out".

research help: ' Mary called Magdalene' by Margaret George

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Mary of Magdala page 17

Mary of Magdala page 17 by ric gustafson

Jesus and Mary stood on the shore.
A boat pulled in.
Peter jumped into the water with the mooring rope. He secured it to a drilled stone. Then Andrew beached the boat.
" Peter".
In horror, Peter watched as he threw back the hood.
" Master".
Jesus smiled. " Peter, my rock".
The burly fisherman dropped his net. He was overfilled with joy.
" Come with me". Jesus grinned. " I will make you a fisher of men".
" You too Andrew". He pointed at the full net of fish. " We have larger catches ahead of us".
Their father ran down to the shore. " Who is this?".
" This is Jesus". He walked over and embraced him. " He is our new Master now".
" Your new Master?". Their father bellowed. " What about the boats?".
The group left.

research help: ' Mary called Magdalene' by Margaret George

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Mary of Magdala page 16

Mary of Magdala page 16 by ric gustafson

The synagogue was full. Mary and Jesus's mother were sitting off to the side. There were prayers and readings.
At one point, Jesus stood up to read. He read from the prophet Isaiah.
When he was finished, the scroll was put away.
" This scripture will be fulfilled in your hearing".
There was heavy silence.
Jesus stared at the crowd. " Today it begins".
" Aren't you Joseph's son?". The crowd began to murmur. " How would you know this?".
Jesus looked at them all. " Because I myself will fulfill them".
Someone stood up and yelled. " What do you mean you will fulfill this scripture?".
" I will fulfill my Father's will to you".
Someone yelled. " This is nonsense".
" The will of God my heavenly Father".
Enraged, the crowd pushed Jesus out of the door of the synagogue.
They pushed him up the hill to the edge of a cliff.
" Kill him".
Then, the crowd split.
Jesus walked through the crowd and left.
It was not his hour.

research help: ' Mary called Magdalene' by Margaret George

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Mary of Magdala page 15

Mary of Magdala page 15 by ric gustafson

Mary walked behind Jesus as they entered Nazareth. It was a small village with only fifty or so small houses. They began to walk down a side street. They came upon a square whitewashed building. They walked inside. Mary watched as Jesus walked into the inner courtyard. Then Mary heard shrieks of joy.
" Mary, come here".
Mary walked in to see a male and a female.
" Mother,  James". Jesus smiled. " This is my friend Mary".
They smiled in return.
" Mother, I believe you've met Mary". His voice hesitated. " A long time ago in Jerusalem".
Jesus's mother grinned. " I remember".
Jesus looked at his brother. " Father's shop is yours now".
" What?".
" The shop is now yours" Jesus exclaimed. " I will not be coming back to it".
" But why?".
" I have a different calling now".

research help: ' Mary called Magdalene' by Margaret George

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Mary of Magdala page 14

Mary of Magdala page 14 by ric gustafson

Mary walked near Jesus. He answered their questions. He kept his thoughts to himself.
Mary grinned. " How is your family?".
" My father died several years ago". He frowned. " My mother and brothers and sisters are fine".
They walked to the upper rim of the Sea of Galilee. Mary knew the time had come to go home.
" Mary, go and tell others what had happened to you". He smiled at Mary. " If you want to join us, come to Capernaum and look for us".
" I can't". She began to cry. " I'm not ready yet".
Jesus grinned. " Ok, you can follow us to Cana and Nazareth".
That night, they made a fire and got a good night's sleep.
The next day, Nathanael went home to Cana.
Jesus and Mary began to walk toward his home town.

research help: ' Mary called Magdalene' by Margaret George

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, July 3, 2020

Mary of Magdala page 13

Mary of Magdala page 13 by ric gustafson

Mary, Philip and Nathanael were sitting around a fire. They were sad because their new Master had not come back.
They heard a noise in the dark.
Mary was afraid. " Who's there?".
" I am".
Philip recognized the voice. " Master".
It was Jesus. He seemed weak with sunburnt skin. A blanket was put over him.
" Do you know how long I was gone?".
" No" replied Nathanael.
" Forty days and forty nights".
Mary stared at Jesus. " Why Master?".
" I needed to confront Satan".
" Did you defeat him?".
" For now". Jesus frowned. " He will be back".
Mary looked sad. " What do we do now?".
Jesus grinned. " Just follow me".

research help: ' Mary called Magdalene' by Margaret George

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Mary of Magdala page 12

Mary of Magdala page 12 by ric gustafson

Mary watched as Jewish soldiers approached John the Baptist
" Are you John the one who is called the Baptist?".
John bellowed. " I am".
" Cease attacking Herod Antipas" the Commander shouted. " Or you will be under arrest".
" And who are you?".
" We were sent by the king to warn you".
" I must warn you". John hesitated. " The king is involved in a incestrous marriage".
" Be baptized". John gestured toward the water. " It is not too late".
The Commander and his soldiers left.
Jesus looked at his new friends. " I must go into the desert alone".
Philip looked at Jesus. " When will you return?".
" I do not know". Jesus smiled. " When I return I will find you".
Mary, with sad eyes, watched as Jesus started walking toward the desert.

research help: ' Mary called Magdalene' by Margaret George

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Mary of Magdala page 11

Mary of Magdala page 11 by ric gustafson

Jesus again put his hands around Mary's skull.
" You unclean blasphemer". He looked up to heaven. " Depart and never come back".
The spirit departed.
" Heket". Jesus proclaimed the name loudly. " Leave her".
The spirit violently left her body.
" The demon that haunts the noon hour". He stared at Mary. " Depart".
When it left her body, she felt like she was floating.
" Rabisu, leave and never come back".
The spirit departed.
" Abaddon, come out of her".
The locust man departed.
Jesus felt drained. " What is your name child?".
" Mary of Magdala".
" Mary". Jesus smiled. " You have been healed".
Mary began to cry in his arms.

research help: ' Mary called Magdalene' by Margaret George

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric