Saturday, January 21, 2012

women of the bible: Abigail

women of the bible: Abigail by ric gustafson.

In I Samuel chapter 25, we read about a woman named Abigail. She was intelligent and beautiful and was married to a man named Nabal.
One year at sheep shearing time, Nabal offended King David. Abigail prepared food for David's men and tried to plead to the King on behalf of her husband.
King David was going to get revenge against Nabal but changed his mind because of Abigail's kind actions.
One day, Nabal got drunk and died.
King David asked for Abigail's hand in marriage. Abigail became King David's wife.

research help: ' the top 100 women of the bible' by Pamela L. McQuade

Everyone take care on this cold Saturday. Love Ric

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