Saturday, January 28, 2012

1001 Gatekeeper Square page 1

1001 Gatekeeper Square page 1 by ric gustafson

Joan Beckman poured coffee into a pot and slowly walked back toward the booth. Her feet hurt and her shift was about over. She walked up to the booth and poured the stranger a cup. She put the pot on the table. " Did you decide on eating?".
The stranger smiled and put his menu on the table. " A slice of peach pie would be nice".
A short time later, she brought the dessert and put it in front of the stranger.
" Thank you Joan".
She gave him his bill and then walked toward the back to clock out. As she put her coat on and looked at the stranger one more time, she did not recognize him or his voice.
She walked out the back door of the restaurant and put her hand on the driver door to open it. Just then something startled her.
" Joan".
Panic entered her heart. She did not recognize the voice.

research help: a Pastor Dietz sermon

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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