Wednesday, January 11, 2012

through the eyes of a child page 3

through the eyes of a child page 3 by ric gustafson

Kelly put two small burgundy suitcases by the front door as her friend and roommate Jessica came out of her room.
She noticed that her friend was wearing a yellow and white jogging outfit. " I thought you were going to start for home".
" I thought that I would go for a quick jog" she said as she adjusted her ball cap. " Then I'll shower and head for home".
" I need to go to the library to study for my last final" Jessica said as she hugged her friend goodbye. " Enjoy your summer and tell your parents hello". She picked up her black backpack, smiled and then walked out.
Jessica looked at her watch to see that it was about 8:00. ' I can't wait to see my parents' she thought as she picked up a rag to blot out a stain that she had noticed on her jogging suit. She put the rag back on the sink and then walked out.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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