Thursday, January 19, 2012

the spear soldier page 8

the spear soldier page 8 by ric gustafson.

Abenadar walked into the small room and noticed that his friend was asleep on a couch.
" Wake up Cassius" he said as he shook his friend.
The centurion opened his eyes.
" What's wrong Abenadar?".
His friend walked over to a window and looked out toward the north. " Those rebels are still burning houses to the north".
" We saved the Prefect Abenadar or have you forgotten".
" Some good news, we took over the rebel's arsenal and they are holding in the west tower a prisoner you might be interested in".
" Who might that be?".
" The rebel who got away from you".
" Bar Abbas". Cassius scratched his chin in thought. " What's going to happen to the rebel?".
" I predict he's going to be hung on a cross as a warning".

research help: ' The Spear' by Louis de Wohl

Everyone take care on this very cold night. Love Ric

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