Sunday, January 15, 2012

Spiritual Pathways 101 page 1

Spiritual Pathways 101 page 1 by ric gustafson

Joseph Freeman walked into the classroom and walked up to the small wooden podium. He put down his worn brown briefcase and then turned toward the white blackboard. In the middle he wrote ' Spiritual Pathways 101'.
At 6:00, he stopped writing and then turned toward the students. " Welcome".
He opened his briefcase and then handed out the syllabus. " Hopefully you are in the right class".
" Any questions before we begin?".
A young man raised his hand.
" Yes".
" Mr Freeman, what is a pathway?".
" A spiritual pathway is a way that we sense God's presence and experience spiritual growth".

research help: ' God is closer than you think' by John Ortberg.

Everyone take care. Love Ric

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