Wednesday, January 4, 2012

the story of Martha page 14

the story of Martha page 14 by ric gustafson.

Martha was tending her garden when she noticed a man walking on the road coming toward her. He was walking by himself and Martha squinted her eyes in the sun trying to see who it was.
The stranger stopped in front of her and flung back the hood of his cloak.
" Simon".
" Yes Martha, it is I".
She began to hug him and then pulled back in horror.
" Simon, do you still have the disease?".
" Leprosy, no Martha I don't"he said with a smile. " I was completely healed by the Rabbi Jesus".
" I am so happy for you Simon".
" Martha, I am a believer in the Rabbi now" he said as he showed Martha his now normal skin. " Because of the miracle he did for me".
" Simon, you need to show the village elders that you have become declared healed".

research help: ' Martha' by Diana Wallis Taylor

Everyone take care. Love Ric

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