Thursday, January 19, 2012

the towel bearer 2012: prelude

the towel bearer 2012: prelude by ric gustafson

Jesus looked with love at his disciples even though quietly they were discussing which of them should be considered the greatest. After a cup of wine had been passed around and a ceremonial washing happened, Jesus knew the time had come to tell those he loved some truth. He got up from the reclining table and as he moved toward the right, he took off his middle garments and laid them down. He found a towel and girded it around his middle. He found a basin and filled it with water.
He walked to the disciple on his extreme right, put the basin down and took his dirty feet into his loving arms. He gently put the feet into the basin and carefully washed the dirt off. One by one on his knees he put each of their dirty feet into the basin, washed the dirt off of them and then wiped them off with the towel.
Jesus walked up to Peter.
" Lord, do you wash my feet?".
Jesus looked at the burly fisherman. " What I am doing you do not realize but you will understand later".
" Never shall you wash my feet".
" If I do not wash you, you have no part with me".
Peter looked at Jesus with a startled look, " Lord, not my feet only but also my hands and my head".
" He who bathes needs to wash his feet and is completely clean, you are clean but not all of you".
He finished washing their feet, put his middle garments back on and sat back down. He looked at them in love. " Do you know what I have done for you" he said as he studied their faces. " I have washed your feet, you should also wash one another's feet".

research help: ' The Murder of Jesus' by John Macarthur

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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