Wednesday, January 18, 2012

the return of Henry page 3

the return of Henry page 3 by ric gustafson

Georgia took the tract home that night and after repenting her sins and the opening of her sin filled heart, she gave her life to Christ.
The following Saturday, she had to work and found out Amanda was off that day. It was toward the end of her shift and she was starting to get tired when an elderly woman with a full cart walked up to her belt line. She bagged up her items and put them into the cart.
" Dear" she said with a sweet smile as she put her wallet back into her tiny red purse. " Can somebody help me out to the car?".
Georgia glanced at her watch to see that she had ten minutes left in her shift. " Rhoda" she said loudly. Her supervisor walked over. " I'm going to take her cart out".
" Ok" her supervisor replied as she turned off her lane light and took out her cash drawer. " As soon as you come back in, go ahead and clock out".
" Ready".
" Yes dear" she replied as Georgia pushed the steel cart toward the east entrance.
As they walked out the double doors, she thought about the bible tract Amanda had given her. ' Oh God' she thought as they neared the elderly woman's car. ' Please give me a sign that now I am truly one of yours".
Just as they reached the elderly woman's car, Georgia was violently pushed against it.
A stranger held a gun to the lady she was helping. " Ok lady, give me your purse".
" God help us" Georgia cried out loud as tears came to her eyes.
Just then, the robber was hit over the head and knocked out.
A store security guard walked up carrying a black baton. " Are you two ok?".
" Yes" was Georgia's reply as she pulled Amanda's tract from her back pocket.
She opened her hand and the tract blew away with the wind.
The return of Henry continued.

The End- dedicated to Tom E.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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