Thursday, January 19, 2012

who's time is it?

who's time is it? by ric gustafson

When we breathe our very first breath, the clock starts ticking. Our human lives are wrapped around time and sometimes we don't realize just how much it does. The alarm clock tells us it's time to get up. We get ready for work, school, eat breakfast and look at the clock to see what time it is. Is it God's time or ours?.

The clock is ticking and the world is wired for time. At work and school, we wear watches and stare at the clock on the wall. We come home from work and school and have only so much time before the day is over. When the day is finished is it God's time or ours?.

Compared to eternity, we are not on this earth very long. God has already determined how many years we will be here and it's very short. I believe that God wants us to serve him, love him and talk to him always. I wonder to myself is it God's time or ours?.

I feel that God wants us to study his Word and always pray to him. I believe that God wants us to spend time with other believers and that's why I spend time with my church friends.
Our time here is short and the question I ponder in my heart is who's time is it God's time or ours?.

The End- dedicated to Tom E.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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