Monday, January 9, 2012

the roof crashers page 3

the roof crashers page 3 by ric gustafson

" Great idea Mag" Keli said as he looked at the others. " Let's do it".
" Mikno, can you quickly get some strong ropes and get back as soon as you can".
He came back shortly. They picked up the mat and walked quietly up the outer staircase.
On top, they picked out a spot where the Rabbi was probably sitting. They attached ropes to the ends of the mat and then began to punch holes in the reed and dried mud roof.
Those closest to the Rabbi were listening very intently to his every word. All of a sudden, They could feel bits of reed and dried mud falling on them.
Jesus stopped talking, looked up and saw that four men were lowering a man who was lying on a mat.
When they had stopped lowering him, Jesus smiled at them because of their faith.
Jesus stared at the man on the mat. " Son, your sins are forgiven". He looked at him with love and forgiveness. " Get up, take your mat and go home".
The man slowly got up, rolled up his mat and then left.

The End- dedicated to Tom E.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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