Tuesday, January 24, 2012

through the eyes of a child page 7

through the eyes of a child page 7 by ric gustafson

Jessica blew her nose as Charles handed her another tissue. " Thank you" she replied as she dabbed her eyes because of her crying.
" What time did Kelly leave the dorm room to go jogging?" Detective Mark Springer asked as he opened up his small black notebook and looked around the small dorm room.
" About 8:00 am" she replied as she kept drying her eyes. " After her jog, she was planning on taking a shower and then driving home".
" She was already packed" Charles asked as he noticed two small burgundy suitcases sitting by the front door.
" Yes, she was so excited to come home and spend the summer with the two of you".
Detective Springer walked over to the window and stared toward the wooded park across the street. " Jessica, was Kelly familiar with the park as far as where to go jogging?".
" Of course, she went jogging there a lot after classes were over".
" Do you remember what Kelly was wearing when she went on her jog?".
Jessica thought for a moment. " I believe a yellow and white jogging outfit and she was also wearing a ball cap".
" Jessica, is there anybody you know of who would want to hurt our baby?" Katie asked with a concerned look.
" No, everybody liked her".
" Any boyfriends?" asked Detective Springer as he wrote in his notebook.
" No" all three replied. " If there were, she would of told us" Katie exclaimed.
" That's all the questions I have for right now" the Detective said as he stood up and shook Charles's hand. " I'm going over to the park to look around". " I will be in touch".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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