Sunday, January 15, 2012

through the eyes of a child page 4

through the eyes of a child page 4 by ric gustafson.

Charles was finishing up the executive meeting when the intercom rang. The investment firm he had founded was doing great business and at the moment was very prosperous. He glanced out the large window and witnessed the beautiful spring day. He thanked God for the beautiful weather and all the blessings God had given to him. He and his wife Katie were looking forward to the return of their daughter Kelly from college. She was going to live with them but work during the summer.
" Mr Brown, Michelle wants to speak with you" Jack Westin said as he whispered from the side of the conference table.
Charles frowned as he picked up the phone. His secretary normally never called him during a meeting unless it was an emergency. " Yes Michelle".
" Mr Brown, I'm sorry for interrupting the meeting" her voice said as it cracked. " I have a family call you should probably take in your office".
" Gentlemen, I'm sorry to stop the meeting but I have an urgent call I need to take". Worried, he walked out of the conference room and walked down the carpeted hallway to his office. He closed the door and sat down at the large oak desk that was a sanctuary from the chaos of the office.
The phone rang. He picked it up. " Hello, this is Charles Brown".
" Jessica, slow down and try to speak a little more clearly" he said quietly into the phone. " I cannot understand you".
As the caller talked on, Charles's face turned ashen.
" Lord, help me" he said loudly as he put his face onto the desk and began to cry.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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