Thursday, August 15, 2013

Titanic couples: Henry and Clara Frauenthal

Titanic couples: Henry and Clara Frauenthal by ric gustafson

Clara Heinsheimer married Charles Rogers in 1896 at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel. In 1903, they had a daughter named Nathalie. In 1906, Clara sued for divorce.
Surgeon Henry Frauenthal was introduced to Clara at this time. At New York's Bellevue Hospital, he developed ways of treating joint problems using massage and breathing exercises. When he met Clara, he was forty eight, short and balding. Clara was forty two and had an eight year old daughter. They traveled to Nice France to do their wedding vows and then booked a cabin on the Titanic for their return home.
Because the couple were Jewish, they used a kosher chef on board who's name was Charles Kennel. Jewish meals were made for them and Saturday prayer services were provided.
Henry and Clara spent their time on board talking with Henry's brother Isaac, reading or strolling on deck.
At 11:40 pm on Sunday, Isaac heard a drawn out rubbing noise. He went up on deck and overheard Captain Smith say that they were going to fill up the lifeboats. He went down below and woke up Henry and Clara. Their cabin was C88 and his brother told them that the ship was sinking and that they were filling up the lifeboats.
When they reached the deck, Fifth Officer Harold Lowe was loading Lifeboat 5. Clara got onboard and at 12:55 the boat was lowered. Somehow Henry and Isaac got on board also. Third Officer Pitman was in charge of the lifeboat. The next morning, they were rescued by the Carpathia.
Over the years, the couple avoided talking about the Titanic. In 1927, Henry jumped from the seventh floor of the hospital and died instantly. Clara died in 1943 in Connecticut.

research help: ' Titanic Love Stories' by Gill Paul

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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