Friday, August 30, 2013

the Forgotten page 2

the Forgotten page 2 by ric gustafson

Maynard looked at the index card that had directions on it. He got out of the cab and gave the foreign sounding cab driver his last thirty dollars. " You are sure this is the right place".
" Positive" was his reply as he pointed through the open driver window. " It's right there". Then he drove off in a cloud of exhaust.
Maynard walked onto a wooden jetty and began to walk toward some boats. As he walked, he looked at the boats on both sides. As he came toward the end, he noticed the boat that he was looking for. It looked like a typical deep sea vessel and that it had a large cargo space below deck. He noticed huge burlap bags in the cargo space but could not tell what was in them. He walked up a small wooden gangplank and then was startled by a grizzled old man who had a black pipe in his mouth.
" Hello, I'm Captain Jack Muncie". He shook Maynard's hand. " What can I do for you?".
" I'm looking for a boat called ' The Forgotten'.
" This is it" exclaimed the old captain as he pointed around the boat. " She's old but reliable".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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