Saturday, August 3, 2013

Eva B page 8

Eva B page 8 by ric gustafson

General Keitel just limped out of the map room and came into the dining area. Adi insists that Corporal Gotz Rupp attend all general meetings. Adi treats him as a bridge between Adi and the common soldier. I heard the Bunker tremble and heave from the enemy planes above.
Adi's mother loved him very much. His happiest years were in Linz at Humboldtstrasse. He was born on April 20 in the small town of Braunau on the River. Living in this Bunker is my time. I drink coffee with the officers and talk with Adi and Goebbels. Sometimes I go into the kitchen and talk with Fraulein Manzialy our cook. Sometimes people come into the Bunker and ask me if they can talk to Adi. I talk to commanders, diplomats and play with the Goebbel's children. I tried to read ' War and Peace' but only got half way through it. I was friends with IIse Hess because he was Adi's Secretary once. When I mention Hess, Adi gets angry at me. Adi loves sweets and now gets jaundice from all the sugar. His eyes turned yellow and he was sick for a while.

research help: ' The Patient Ecstasy of Fraulein Braun' by Lavonne Mueller

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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