Saturday, August 3, 2013

Pilate page 25

Pilate page 25 by ric gustafson

The sweating lictor lashed Jesus's back with much vigor. Jesus's blood was flowing onto the stone pavement of the courtyard.
After a while, Pilate walked over and clapped his hands. " That's enough".
The lictor stopped.
What happened next was an old Roman custom of mocking the prisoner. A soldier found an old purple lictor's robe and put it on Jesus. Another soldier took branches from a thorn bush and formed it into a prickly crown. It was jammed onto the top of Jesus's head and blood began to seep down his face. A reed was placed into his right hand. As Jesus silently stood, the entire company of soldiers fell onto their knees and saluted him.
" Hail, King of the Jews" they yelled.
One by one, they walked past Jesus. Some slapped his face and some spit on him.
After a while, Pilate clapped his hands again. " Enough of this".
He pointed toward Flavius. " Bring him outside".

research help: ' Pontius Pilate' by Paul L Maier

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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