Sunday, August 4, 2013

come follow me: a child of God

come follow me: a child of God by ric gustafson

When we turned from our sins and began to trust Jesus as our Savior, our status changed. As a son or daughter of God, we become children of God. A Christian is one who has God as their Father. Do we know God as Father?. Is our faith more of a servant than as a son or daughter. The Apostle John in I John 3:1 says that the Father's love for us is so large that we shall be called children of God.
God as our Father loves to forgive, loves to provide for us, protect us, comfort us, give to us and discipline us. When we begin to follow Jesus, our minds begin to transform.
As human beings, we crave things such as air, food, water and companionship. Our initial sin has driven us to cravings and desires. Jesus declared that he is the Bread of Life and that we would never be hungry or thirsty again. When we become children of God, we come to Jesus to satisfy our souls. Instead of trying to conquer sins ourselves, we need to let Jesus do that himself. As a child of God, we pray because we crave communication with God. We pray because we want intimacy with God. We worship God because we want God in our lives.

research help: ' Follow Me' by David Platt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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