Monday, August 19, 2013

I Am: a silent God

I Am: a silent God by ric gustafson

In life, difficult circumstances come our way  and we seek God for answers. Sometimes we get an answer right away and sometimes God is silent. When he is silent, we get upset and wonder why he did not answer us.
God uses his silence for different reasons. One reason is that he is teaching us to walk in our impossibility. When a mountain comes into our path, do we seek wisdom and go around or do we stay put and seek power. Another reason God is sometimes silent is because he is exposing our hearts. Because of his silence,  do we fret and do we get anxious?. Do we struggle with our peace when God is silent?.  Sometimes God is reluctant to give us an answer because he is exposing something in our heart that will cause spiritual harm.
Behind God's silence are his higher thoughts. The cross was God's greatest silence and it was the turning point for our salvation. In his silence, God experienced death so that we can be free and live with him forever.

research help: ' I Am' by Steve Fry

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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