Thursday, August 22, 2013

Mary of Magdala page 3

Mary of Magdala page 3 by ric gustafson

Mary woke up and her head throbbed. She was bound with coarse rope and she tried to look around. She was lying on a pallet in a dingy room. ' Where am I' she thought as cold and fear entered her mind and thoughts. ' Where is Eliab' she wondered as tears began to pour down her cheeks.
She prayed for several minutes and then leaned against a wall. ' Abba will find me' she thought as she heard voices from another room.
" What should we do with the girl?" asked someone named Uzza.
" I will deliver the note Gera" said a deep voice. " I hear the father has a lot of gold".
Mary lay on the pallet and stared out the window. " Oh HaShem our God who sees help me, you are my only hope".
As she struggled against the rope holding her wrists, tears rolled down her cheeks.

research help: ' Mary Magdalene' by Diana Wallis Taylor

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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