Monday, August 19, 2013

Luke 21:1-4 page 2

Luke 21:1-4 page 2 by ric gustafson

Jesus and his disciples stared at the young man as he stood at the busy intersection. He was holding up a small wooden sign.
As they observed him, several fancy cars stopped and a hand came out of an open window and handed the young man some money.
Peter and the other disciples smiled. " Isn't it great Teacher that people are giving that poor man some money?".
As they kept watching, an old woman pushing a small cart stopped and put two small coins into the young man's hands. She patted one of his shoulders and then quietly walked away.
One of the disciples spoke up. " Teacher, that old woman only gave that poor man two small coins".
" I tell you the truth". He looked at his disciples with loving eyes. " That poor widow put in more than all the others".
" Teacher, she put in the least".
" All these people gave him from their wealth but she out of her poverty gave him all that she had".

The End- dedicated to Tom E

research help: ' Ordinary Sacred' by Kent Nerburn

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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