Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Garfield page 1

Garfield page 1 by ric gustafson

April 1866

Congressman Roscoe Conkling yawned as he stood up from his chair. They had been debating this bill for four hours. " I propose that we strike out section twenty of this bill". He stood out at six foot three and he had an athletic build. " My objection is that it creates an unnecessary office for an undeserving public servant". At thirty six years old, he was already in his third term. That section of the Military Bill authorized the salary and staff of the provost marshal general.
Congressman James G Blaine walked onto the House floor. " I ask to be recognized". " The gentleman from New York has a difference with General Fry, it is my opinion that the General is an honorable officer".
" I mean no disrespect for General Fry". He looked at the congressman. " I think the statement made from the gentleman from Maine is false".
" I call the gentleman to order".
Blaine tried to interrupt.
" I decline to yield to the gentleman from Maine".
Newspapers around the country wrote about the verbal fireworks between the two congressmen.
Republicans in 1868 wanted General Grant to be their candidate. In 1876, Grant decided to retire and James Blaine became the natural candidate to replace him. Roscoe Conkling became the supreme boss of the New York Republican Party.
In 1880, Rutherford Hayes decided not to seek reelection.

research help: ' Dark Horse' by Kenneth Ackerman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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