Wednesday, August 28, 2013

the Wilderness OTEL page 3

the Wilderness OTEL page 3 by ric Gustafson

Jesus yawned as he began to walk away. " I'm going to find a place to rest".
" Wait". Satan ran ahead of Jesus and then stopped him. " I need your help".
" With what?".
" See our sign with the letter missing" he said with a cackle as he pointed. " I need somebody to go up there with me to see what's wrong with it".
Jesus yawned again. " I'm really tired".
" It won't take long".
" Ok".
Satan smiled and then ran to get the large platform.
They both got on and Satan pulled the black handle down. The platform began to slowly rise up through the dark cool night. When they had reached the sign, Satan pulled up on the handle to stop it.
Jesus peeked over the edge of the platform to see that they were high off the ground. He noticed some large rocks at the base of the sign.
Satan quietly whispered into Jesus's ear. " Throw yourself down".
Jesus stared at the rocks below.
" He will put his angels in charge of you and they will support you in their arms for fear you should strike your foot against a stone".
Jesus looked at Satan. " Scripture says again you are not to put the Lord your God to the test".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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