Friday, August 30, 2013

Mary of Magdala page 5

Mary of Magdala page 5 by ric gustafson

Jared quietly walked down the back street. Men sat in alleyways and dark wineshops. After a while, they came upon a house made of large flat bricks. The front door was cracked and open. He and Eliab walked up to the door.
" Eliab, rush the door and find Mary".
Jared peeked in  and saw his daughter tied to a chair. He quietly entered and moved toward his daughter. He heard a movement behind the door and felt something sharp strike his back. He knew that he had been stabbed. He collapsed onto the straw strewn floor.
Eliab ran in and noticed somebody drop something and then run out the door.
Eliab reached down and checked Jared.
Mary screamed in horror. " Is my Abba dead?".
The slave got Mary out of her ropes and then held her tight. " He has lost much blood but he still breathes".

research help: ' Mary Magdalene' by Diana Wallis Taylor

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Forgotten page 2

the Forgotten page 2 by ric gustafson

Maynard looked at the index card that had directions on it. He got out of the cab and gave the foreign sounding cab driver his last thirty dollars. " You are sure this is the right place".
" Positive" was his reply as he pointed through the open driver window. " It's right there". Then he drove off in a cloud of exhaust.
Maynard walked onto a wooden jetty and began to walk toward some boats. As he walked, he looked at the boats on both sides. As he came toward the end, he noticed the boat that he was looking for. It looked like a typical deep sea vessel and that it had a large cargo space below deck. He noticed huge burlap bags in the cargo space but could not tell what was in them. He walked up a small wooden gangplank and then was startled by a grizzled old man who had a black pipe in his mouth.
" Hello, I'm Captain Jack Muncie". He shook Maynard's hand. " What can I do for you?".
" I'm looking for a boat called ' The Forgotten'.
" This is it" exclaimed the old captain as he pointed around the boat. " She's old but reliable".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, August 29, 2013

the Forgotten page 1

the Forgotten page 1 by ric gustafson

Mavis Pickrell nervously scratched her chin as she studied the resume. " I see you worked for this insurance company for twenty five years".
" Yes".
" Nowadays, that's a long time at one company".
" It's the only job I've had since college".
She frowned at Maynard. " Mr Buckley, I'm going to be frank with you". Her voice hesitated. " I don't have any openings for someone with just insurance skills".
He looked at her with sad eyes. " Mrs Pickrell, my unemployment is about to run out and I really need a job".
" Well, I do have one possibility" she replied as she picked up an index card. " This opening just reached my desk".
" What's the assignment?".
" A boat at the marina needs a deckhand". She smiled. " Are you interested?".
" Yes".
" Good". She handed Maynard the index card. " You need to report to a boat called the Forgotten and ask for Captain Jack Muncie".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Wilderness OTEL page 4

the Wilderness OTEL page 4 by ric gustafson

Satan and Jesus walked back into the lobby.
" Sure is warm in here" Jesus exclaimed as sweat began to form on his forehead. " Don't you have air conditioning?".
" I've been meaning to fix the unit on top of the roof". Satan hesitated. " Good help is hard to find".
" So that your customers will be comfortable". Jesus smiled. " I will help you with the unit".
" Super" Satan replied as he clapped his hands in glee. " I will find a tall ladder".
Satan returned with the ladder and then took it outside to the wall in front. He carefully put it up and then climbed up. He got on the roof. " Ok, it's safe to climb up now".
Jesus slowly walked up the tall ladder in his sandals. He reached the top and Satan pulled him up.
They both walked over and studied the air conditioning unit.
As Jesus kept looking at the unit, Satan walked over to the edge of the roof and looked to the south. " Jesus look at this".
Jesus yawned and then walked over to his adversary.
Satan pointed in all directions with his flashlight. " Do you see all this" he proudly said. " All of this is mine". He softly whispered into Jesus's ear. " All these things I will give you if you will fall down and worship me".
Jesus gave Satan a tired and stern stare. " Begone Satan, for it is written you shall worship the Lord your God and serve him only".
Without a word, Satan went back down the ladder and into the motel. As he walked into the lobby, he heard what sounded like angel's wings and that Jesus was being administered to.

The End- dedicated to Tom E

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

the Wilderness OTEL page 3

the Wilderness OTEL page 3 by ric Gustafson

Jesus yawned as he began to walk away. " I'm going to find a place to rest".
" Wait". Satan ran ahead of Jesus and then stopped him. " I need your help".
" With what?".
" See our sign with the letter missing" he said with a cackle as he pointed. " I need somebody to go up there with me to see what's wrong with it".
Jesus yawned again. " I'm really tired".
" It won't take long".
" Ok".
Satan smiled and then ran to get the large platform.
They both got on and Satan pulled the black handle down. The platform began to slowly rise up through the dark cool night. When they had reached the sign, Satan pulled up on the handle to stop it.
Jesus peeked over the edge of the platform to see that they were high off the ground. He noticed some large rocks at the base of the sign.
Satan quietly whispered into Jesus's ear. " Throw yourself down".
Jesus stared at the rocks below.
" He will put his angels in charge of you and they will support you in their arms for fear you should strike your foot against a stone".
Jesus looked at Satan. " Scripture says again you are not to put the Lord your God to the test".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Eva B page 15

Eva B page 15 by ric gustafson

I remember that day in Berlin when I carried a torch with thirty thousand students. I wore black calf high heels. We stood in front of Berlin University as SS men threw books out the library windows. I watched as twenty thousand volumes of books were being ready to burn. I watched as Goebbels walked over and lit the fire. " Proust" he yelled as he threw a book into the dancing flames. Bormann walked over to the fire. " Zola" he said with a sneer as he threw a book into the flames. " Thomas Mann" yelled someone as they threw a book into the fire. " H G Wells" yelled another.
I did not want to be left out so I threw a book by Hemingway into the growing fire.
As I watched Adi's secretaries work and type, I think about the other women in his past. He was fond of Marlene Dietrich but loved Geli. 
One time I said to Adi " you don't believe in God".
" My pretty little Evchen, I believe in Napoleon".

research help: ' The Patient Ecstasy of Fraulein Braun' by Lavonne Mueller

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Eva B page 14

Eva B page 14 by ric gustafson

Magda is not my rival. My rival is Adi's dog Blondi. Bormann gave Blondi to Adi. Sonnets and poems are written about her. Journalists write about that dog. Bormann sends people pictures of Adi walking that German Shepherd.
I enjoy my two Scotties, Negus and Stasi. I get along with Blondi because I have to. She had five babies in March and Adi now talks constantly about dogs. I loved walking Blondi in the mountains. Adi and I are mountain people.
At the Berghof, September was my favorite part of the year. I miss the Berghof and the walks with Adi.  As I remembered happy memories, I can hear Blondi barking. In this concrete Bunker, she follows Adi everywhere.
Sometimes I can't stand that dog.

research help: ' The Patient Ecstasy of Fraulein Braun' by Lavonne Mueller

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, August 26, 2013

the Wilderness OTEL page 2

the Wilderness OTEL page 2 by ric gustafson

Satan stared at a very tired Jesus.
" Are you sure you do not have a room available tonight?".
" Sorry". He began to flip through a room index. " Because of the rodeo, I have no empty rooms".
" I see". Jesus turned toward the front door. " Thank you anyway".
Satan frowned and then ran toward the front door. " Do you like gardens?".
" I love gardens". Jesus grinned. " That's why my father created them".
" I would love to show you my rock garden".
" Ok".
Satan led Jesus out a side door and to the south wall of the motel. He showed Jesus some vegtables he had been growing.
Jesus's stomach started growling loudly. " I'm so hungry".
" I've spent a lot of time on this garden". Satan pointed toward some large stones in the garden. Then he bent down and whispered into Jesus's ear. " If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread".
Jesus stared at his adversary. " Scripture says man cannot live on bread alone, he lives on every word that God utters".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

I Am: an obedient God

I Am: an obedient God by ric gustafson

When we hear the word obedience, we think limiting, binding and encroachment on our liberties. Jesus told his disciples that his food is to do the will who sent me. God wants obedience to be pleasure. When God is enjoyable our obedience is pleasurable. Obedience keeps us open to God. God created us to obey him. God will give us the strength needed for obedience. As we grow in God, we respond with joy and trust in his judgment and obey him.

research help: ' I Am' by Steve Fry

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Mary of Magdala page 4

Mary of Magdala page 4 by ric gustafson

Jared heard a weak knock at the gate. He opened it to reveal his neighbor Samuel holding up an injured Eliab.
" What happened?".
" Jared, we need a bowl of water Eliab is hurt".
Some water was brought and Eliab's bloody face was washed off.
" What happened Eliab?".
The large servant slowly opened his eyes. " I stepped outside the gate to give someone directions". He rubbed his sore head. " I remember nothing else".
Rachel walked over and tried to comfort Eliab. " Eliab, do you remember anything?".
The slave shook his head no.
Jared frowned. " Whoever did this want's money".
" Jared, do you know someone who knows the city well?".
Rachel went back to mixing dough for the daily bread.
As he and Samuel talked, a stone flew over the gate and stopped at Jared's feet.
He picked it up.
" Jared, what does it say?".
Jared read the note. " I am to come to a certain part of the city alone after sundown and bring money". He stared at his friend. " Or I will never see my daughter alive again".
" You better take Eliab for protection".

research help: ' Mary Magdalene' by Diana Wallis Taylor

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, August 24, 2013

the Wilderness OTEL page 1

the Wilderness OTEL page 1 by ric gustafson

Jesus opened the front door. The man behind the wooden counter could hear the sandals on the hardwood floor. The clerk was wearing a red shirt and a red sport coat. He gave Jesus a strange grin. " Welcome to the Wilderness Motel".
Jesus yawned as he walked up to the counter. " The M is missing from your sign.
" It is". Satan walked over to the large lobby window and peeked out. " You're right". He grinned at Jesus. " I will have somebody in the morning fix that". He walked back and now stood behind the counter again. " Now how can I help you?".
" I am very tired". Jesus yawned again. " I have not slept in forty days".
" I see".
" I am also very hungry".
Satan chuckled and clapped his hands with glee. " I'm sorry to say but all the restaurants in town are closed now".
Jesus stared at his adversary. " How about a candy machine?".
" Sorry". He grinned at Jesus. " It's being repaired right now".
Jesus stared at Satan again. " Is a grocery store open?".
" Sorry, the only grocery store is closed on Sunday nights".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

I Am: a rested God

I Am: a rested God by ric gustafson

A hurried life is commonplace today. Life is a chase for success and satisfaction. Sometimes believers are caught up in the system of this world. We get anxious and frustrated in this sinful life.
Everyone wants inner peace. We do not choose peace. Joy and love is a choice. There is only one path to peace. We were designed to discover God. Knowing God leads to self discovery and fulfillment. God is at rest because he is perfect peace.
To have peace and rest, God needs to express himself through us. When we strive to know God, peace and rest will come.
When we strive for God and Jesus, peace and rest will come.

research help: ' I Am' by Steve Fry

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, August 23, 2013

I Am: a blessed God

I AM: a blessed God by ric gustafson

Things will happen in our lives where we begin to ask why. The walk of faith is not comfortable. Jesus asks us to believe even though we cannot see. The word blessed means contentment and satisfaction. A call to faith is believing without outward confirmation. This call of faith leads to joy and happiness.
Sometimes Jesus does not answer right away and it feels like we are in darkness. In our waiting for his answer, he wants us to trust him in the darkness. He wants us to wait on him and that is hard sometimes.
When Jesus's light shines in our darkness, we will have a deeper intimacy with him. It is not easy to believe what we can not see. We make the mistake of demanding God for an answer now.
God calls us to believe even in darkness. He promises that his light will shine what we cannot see.

research help: ' I Am' by Steve Fry

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Titanic couples: Daniel and Mary Marvin

Titanic couples: Daniel and Mary Marvin by ric gustafson

Daniel Marvin and Mary Farquharson were only seventeen when they fell in love. Against the wishes of their families, they married in New York City in January of 1912. After Mary got pregnant soon after marrying, they were forced to marry a second time. Mary's parents Mr and Mrs Frank Farquharson owned a dressmaking business on Fifth Avenue in New York.  Daniel's father Harry Marvin was a pioneer of motion pictures. He gave his son a camera for their honeymoon. The camera was a 1909 handcranked Pathe that was housed in a wooden box with a handle on the side.
On April 10 at Southampton they boarded the Titanic to return home from their honeymoon. They had a first class ticket and their cabin number was D30. They were private people and spent most of their time filming around the ship.
On the evening of April 14, they were dining in the first class dining room. At 12:25 am, a steward knocked on their door. He said that there was an accident and they were loading the lifeboats as a precaution. Mary put on a fur coat and they went up to the Boat Deck.
" Women and children first into the boats".
Daniel helped his wife get into Lifeboat 10. There were four young children on board including nine week old Millvina Dean. She was the youngest passenger to survive.
The next morning, The lifeboat was rescued by the liner Carpathia. Mary searched on board for her husband Daniel. When she found out that Daniel was not saved, she fainted.
On October 21, she gave birth to a daughter, Mary Margaret Elizabeth Marvin. On Christmas Day 1913 she married Horace S Decamp.

research help: ' Titanic Love Stories' by Gill Paul

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Mary of Magdala page 3

Mary of Magdala page 3 by ric gustafson

Mary woke up and her head throbbed. She was bound with coarse rope and she tried to look around. She was lying on a pallet in a dingy room. ' Where am I' she thought as cold and fear entered her mind and thoughts. ' Where is Eliab' she wondered as tears began to pour down her cheeks.
She prayed for several minutes and then leaned against a wall. ' Abba will find me' she thought as she heard voices from another room.
" What should we do with the girl?" asked someone named Uzza.
" I will deliver the note Gera" said a deep voice. " I hear the father has a lot of gold".
Mary lay on the pallet and stared out the window. " Oh HaShem our God who sees help me, you are my only hope".
As she struggled against the rope holding her wrists, tears rolled down her cheeks.

research help: ' Mary Magdalene' by Diana Wallis Taylor

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Eva B page 13

Eva B page 13 by ric gustafson

Goebbels walks out of the map room. He does not look happy.
" Was Adi shouting again?".
" He's upset because of what they did to Dresden".
I began to worry. My mother is in Dresden right now. " I miss the Berghof".
" I miss the old days too".
He began to tell me about those early days of the movement, the marches of the workmen and talking in front of the masses. He told me that he visited Adi's mother's grave in Leonding near Linz. Then he visited Adi's boyhood home.
Magda almost divorced Josef because of all of his mistresses.
" Do you know about the Brothers Grimm?".
" Yes" I replied. " Adi hates to dance".
Josef smiled. " Eva, dance with me".
I get up and dance with Josef around his office desk. Then he gives me a quick hug.
" Thank you Eva".

research help: ' The Patient Ecstasy of Fraulein Braun' by Lavonne Mueller

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

I Am: a weak God

I Am: a weak God by ric gustafson

As God's people, we will encounter thorns in our lives. Paul describes a thorn in his side in II Corinthians. Like Paul, we plead to God to take our thorns away. But God says to us, my grace is sufficient for you. Since God's grace is sufficient, God's power is made perfect in weakness. When we are weak, we encounter a new height of grace.
When I am weak I am strong is a paradox. A handicap can be a pathway to a higher place of grace. When we are weak, the Holy Spirit's power becomes greater in us. When we are weak, God's grace will overcome our weaknesses and give us strength.

research help: ' I Am' by Steve Fry

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Mary of Magdala page 2

Mary of Magdala page 2 by ric gustafson

Rachel, in a good mood because her husband was home, began to bring out her dishes. She brought out lamb and lentil stew with coriander. She brought out a platter filled with saffron, raisins, walnuts and date cakes.
Mary's father talked about the voyage and the ports they stopped at as they delivered lumber and dried fish.
Eliab stood nearby. Rachel and Mary felt safe when he was around. He had been a slave and fought in the Hippodrome. He gained his freedom and then became a gladiator. One night he became wounded and Jared took him home and tended to his wounds. In gratitude, he pledged himself to protect the family from harm.
Jared handed his daughter a little box. " I brought this for you my little blossom".
" Thank you Abba". She hugged her father. " I shall keep my treasures in it".

research help: ' Mary Magdalene' by Diana Wallis Taylor

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

I Am: a redeemed God

I Am: a redeemed God by ric gustafson.

God chose us to be holy. God predestines us to wholeness. To be a whole person in God's eyes involves love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. Romans 8:28 says that all these things work together for good in your life. We cry out to God and say
" Why God has this happened to me?".
On a cross, an innocent Jesus was crucified. Through God's sacrifice of his Son, we have been redeemed in God's eyes.

research help: ' I Am' by Steve Fry

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

I Am: a contented God

I Am: a contented God by ric gustafson

When troubles enter our lives, we struggle and struggle and try to fix it ourselves. When we get to a point when we stop struggling and let God take care of it, we enter his peace. When we trust in God for everything, there is a peace and contentment. When we cry out to God and he is silent, we become bitter and wonder why. God does not want us to be angry at his silence.
God sometimes is silent because then an answer will come. When God is silent, we learn wisdom, enjoy divine peace and walk into our mountain.
God wants us to delight in our struggles because it exposes our heart and allows God's peace to come.

research help: ' I Am' by Steve Fry

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, August 19, 2013

Mary of Magdala page 1

Mary of Magdala page 1 by ric gustafson

Mary and her mother Rachel watched the harbor from the bluff above.
" Mama, when is Abba's ship coming?".
" Anytime now Mary".
They watched as a small boat quietly entered the harbor.
" Mama, is that Abba's boat?".
" Yes my dear, I believe it is".
They walked back to their courtyard and waited. Soon, someone quietly opened the door. Mary smiled and ran into her father's arms. " Abba, we missed you".
He held her tight. " My little blossom, how you have grown since I've been gone". " Have you been keeping up with your studies?".
" Yes Abba". She grinned proudly. " I have been studying the Hebrew alphabet hard".
His wife Rachel approached. " Your trip went well".
" Yes it did".

research help: ' Mary Magdalene' by Diana Wallis Taylor

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Luke 21:1-4 page 2

Luke 21:1-4 page 2 by ric gustafson

Jesus and his disciples stared at the young man as he stood at the busy intersection. He was holding up a small wooden sign.
As they observed him, several fancy cars stopped and a hand came out of an open window and handed the young man some money.
Peter and the other disciples smiled. " Isn't it great Teacher that people are giving that poor man some money?".
As they kept watching, an old woman pushing a small cart stopped and put two small coins into the young man's hands. She patted one of his shoulders and then quietly walked away.
One of the disciples spoke up. " Teacher, that old woman only gave that poor man two small coins".
" I tell you the truth". He looked at his disciples with loving eyes. " That poor widow put in more than all the others".
" Teacher, she put in the least".
" All these people gave him from their wealth but she out of her poverty gave him all that she had".

The End- dedicated to Tom E

research help: ' Ordinary Sacred' by Kent Nerburn

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

I Am: a silent God

I Am: a silent God by ric gustafson

In life, difficult circumstances come our way  and we seek God for answers. Sometimes we get an answer right away and sometimes God is silent. When he is silent, we get upset and wonder why he did not answer us.
God uses his silence for different reasons. One reason is that he is teaching us to walk in our impossibility. When a mountain comes into our path, do we seek wisdom and go around or do we stay put and seek power. Another reason God is sometimes silent is because he is exposing our hearts. Because of his silence,  do we fret and do we get anxious?. Do we struggle with our peace when God is silent?.  Sometimes God is reluctant to give us an answer because he is exposing something in our heart that will cause spiritual harm.
Behind God's silence are his higher thoughts. The cross was God's greatest silence and it was the turning point for our salvation. In his silence, God experienced death so that we can be free and live with him forever.

research help: ' I Am' by Steve Fry

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Luke 21:1-4 page 1

Luke 21: 1-4 page 1 by ric gustafson

Jesus and his disciples stood next to a far wall of J.C Penney. They looked toward a busy intersection and were amazed at the traffic using it. They watched as a young man who was wearing shabby clothes stood at the entrance of the intersection. He was holding up a sign.
Peter spoke up. " Teacher, what does it say on that poor man's sign?".
" It says that he needs help, he has no money and needs a job".
" Teacher, why is he standing there on the corner of that busy intersection?".
A tear came to Jesus's eye. " He's hoping that someone will stop and help him".

research help: ' Ordinary Sacred' by Kent Nerburn

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Titanic couples: George and Dorothy Harder

Titanic couples: George and Dorothy Harder by ric Gustafson

Dorothy Harder's grandfather Edward Annan was President of the New York Produce Exchange. He was also one of the trustees of the Brooklyn Bridge building project. Dorothy's father was a manager with the Erie Railroad Company but died when she was only three years old.
George Harder was a handsome young man  who supplied metals to General Motors. George and Dorothy were crazy about each other when they met and their engagement was announced on December 31 1911. After they were married, they set sail for Europe. They traveled through France and Italy and were away for three months. On the way back, George booked a ticket home on a new ocean liner, the Titanic. Their suite was on E Deck and they enjoyed first class amenities.
The couple had trouble getting around the ship because their cabin was on E Deck. They had to go up a floor to get on an elevator and stewards were busy helping people get around the huge ship.
On the night of Sunday April 14, the couple were in bed but were not asleep. They felt a dull thump and George ran to a window and looked out. He saw an iceberg go by that was between fifty and one hundred feet tall. Both got dressed and went up on the deck. They watched as the Bishops were being lowered into Lifeboat 7. Bruce Ismay helped people into Lifeboat 5 including the Harders.
After the Lifeboat reached the water, it eventually pulled up beside Lifeboat 7. There were only 36 passengers on Lifeboat 5. The next morning at dawn, the Lifeboat was rescued by the Carpathia.
Back in the States, Dorothy's Uncle, William Dykman that they had survived. George was questioned by the US Senate Inquiry about getting aboard the lifeboat instead of more women and children.

research help: ' Titanic Love Stories' by Gill Paul

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Eva B page 12

Eva B page 12 by ric gustafson

Hans kept pleading with me. " I have one last chance to reach the Pichelsdorf Bridge".
Magda waved him off with one of her hands". How can the children and I fly in one of your open cockpit planes?".
" I have five planes" he said with a proud grin. " We could do it". He showed me a list of people from the Bunker  who could fly if Adi would order a breakout.
Helga pointed toward Hans. " Is the pilot going to live with us?".
Magda smiled. " No dear, he has to fly out the wounded soldiers".
Helga pulled her hair. " I want Uncle Fuhrer to fix my hair".
" Fraulein Braun can fix it for you".
" No". She stomped her feet in protest. " Only Uncle Fuhrer can fix it".
I laughed. " He's much to busy to do that".
Adi walked in smiling. " I have time to do that".
He takes Helga's hand and leaves.
Hans frowns because he did not mention a breakout.

research help: ' The Patient Ecstasy of Fraulein Braun' by Lavonne Mueller

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, August 16, 2013

Eva B page 11

Eva B page 11 by ric gustafson

Adi comes out of the map room followed by his generals. He always complains to me that he doesn't trust them. The generals are skeptical of Adi's overall strategy. He complains that they never listen to him and are ungrateful. Hans still talks about a breakout. Fraulein Manzialy brings a glass of buttermilk for Adi, plum juice for the children, warm bread and corn on the cob.
" Adi, Henry Ford admired you".
" Thank goodness he was anti Semite".
Hans began to talk about Goring.
" I do not think about Goring any longer".
Magda mentioned Goring.
" I do not want to hear that name mentioned here again". He smiles at the children and then walks back to the map room.
I go back to writing in my diary.

research help: ' The Patient Ecstasy of Fraulein Braun' by Lavonne Mueller

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Titanic couples: Henry and Clara Frauenthal

Titanic couples: Henry and Clara Frauenthal by ric gustafson

Clara Heinsheimer married Charles Rogers in 1896 at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel. In 1903, they had a daughter named Nathalie. In 1906, Clara sued for divorce.
Surgeon Henry Frauenthal was introduced to Clara at this time. At New York's Bellevue Hospital, he developed ways of treating joint problems using massage and breathing exercises. When he met Clara, he was forty eight, short and balding. Clara was forty two and had an eight year old daughter. They traveled to Nice France to do their wedding vows and then booked a cabin on the Titanic for their return home.
Because the couple were Jewish, they used a kosher chef on board who's name was Charles Kennel. Jewish meals were made for them and Saturday prayer services were provided.
Henry and Clara spent their time on board talking with Henry's brother Isaac, reading or strolling on deck.
At 11:40 pm on Sunday, Isaac heard a drawn out rubbing noise. He went up on deck and overheard Captain Smith say that they were going to fill up the lifeboats. He went down below and woke up Henry and Clara. Their cabin was C88 and his brother told them that the ship was sinking and that they were filling up the lifeboats.
When they reached the deck, Fifth Officer Harold Lowe was loading Lifeboat 5. Clara got onboard and at 12:55 the boat was lowered. Somehow Henry and Isaac got on board also. Third Officer Pitman was in charge of the lifeboat. The next morning, they were rescued by the Carpathia.
Over the years, the couple avoided talking about the Titanic. In 1927, Henry jumped from the seventh floor of the hospital and died instantly. Clara died in 1943 in Connecticut.

research help: ' Titanic Love Stories' by Gill Paul

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

cotton candy or me page 3

cotton candy or me page 3 by ric gustafson

I saw the young man walk down the concrete steps of our box section.
" Cotton candy or me".
I raised my hand. " What's the other choice?".
Jesus smiled and walked up to my aisle. " The other choice is to follow me".
I thought for a moment. " What would that cost me?".
Jesus grinned with love in his eyes. " Following me will cost you everything".
" Everything!". I pondered that for a minute. I frowned as I thought about all the things that I would be losing. I shook my head. " Sorry, I don't think I want to do that after all".
Jesus, with a tear in his eye, walked up the steps toward the next box section.
" Cotton candy or me".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Titanic couples: Dickinson and Helen Bishop

Titanic couples: Dickinson and Helen Bishop by ric gustafson

Dickinson Bishop owned the Round Oak Stove Company in Dowagiac Michigan. When he was twenty three, he became a widower after his first wife died. Nineteen year old, Helen Walton was from nearby Sturgis and whose father owned the Royal Easy Chair Company. They were married in November of 1911 and went on a honeymoon to Egypt, Italy and France.
When Dickinson heard about the Titanic, he decided that it would be a great way to return from their honeymoon. They boarded the ship at Cherbourg on Wednesday April 10. They were a sociable couple  and made friends with several other first class passengers.
On the evening of the 14th, they were in the public lounge and then took a stroll on deck. Their suite on B Deck had a stateroom and a door that led into a bedroom and a bathroom. At 11:40 pm, Helen was already asleep and Dickinson was reading the paper when he heard a knock on their door. Their friend Albert Stewart informed them that the ship had struck something. He woke up Helen and told her that everything was alright but that they needed to go up to the deck. They went up to A Deck and found others milling around. They went back down to the room and put on lifejackets. They kissed their little dog Frou Frou goodbye and went back up to the deck. Their were twelve dogs onboard the Titanic and only three survived.
Dickinson and Helen were put onto Lifeboat 7 which was the first lifeboat to be launched from the ship. There were only twenty eight passengers aboard, twelve women and thirteen men and three crewmembers. Dickinson and Helen watched as the ship went under. As dawn broke on the horizon, they were rescued by the Carpathia.
On April 19, they were asked to testify to the US Senate Inquiry regarding the sinking of the ship. Newspapers berated male survivors for lack of gallantry.
In December of 1912, a son named Randall Walton was born but died two days later. In November 1914, Helen was in a horrible car accident and suffered major head injuries. In January of 1916, the couple divorced and Helen died shortly after.
Dickinson Bishop eventually married three times, served in WWI and was forever shadowed by the tragedy of the Titanic.

research help: ' Titanic Love Stories' by Gill Paul

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, August 11, 2013

cotton candy or me page 2

cotton candy or me page 2 by ric gustafson

I watched as three from the opposing team got out. I smiled knowing that my team was up to bat. As the first batter came up to the bat, I heard a sound to my left.
" Cotton candy" said a young man with a dark beard who was wearing a white uniform. He was holding the sweet treat in one hand. " Or me".
He walked up to the front row and turned around. " Free cotton candy". He smiled and showed his nail scarred hands. " Or me".
A young man in row seven raised his hand. " I would like some cotton candy".
He bounded the steps quickly and stopped at row seven.
The patron searched his pockets for some money. " How much is it?".
" The cotton candy is free". He handed one to the person in the last seat to hand it down the aisle.
" Thank you". He grinned and began to eat the sweet treat.
Jesus smiled and began to walk toward our box section.
" Cotton candy or me".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Titanic couples: John Jacob and Madeleine Astor

Titanic couples: John Jacob and Madeleine Astor by ric gustafson

There was a couple who married on September 9 1911 and boarded the Titanic in Cherbourg. Their ticket number was 17757 and their suite number was C62/4.
John Jacob Astor divorced his wife Ava in 1909 and caused a scandal when he remarried two years later. His divorce was hostile and Ava walked away with a settlement that was less than she wanted. John got custody of their son Vincent and Ava got custody of their daughter Ava.
John Jacob was introduced to Madeleine Talmage Force in August of 1910. He was handsome, considerate and charming and she thought that he was the nicest man she had ever met. They were engaged in August of 1911 when he was forty seven and she was just eighteen. They were married on September 9 1911 at their home in Rhode Island.
They sailed to Europe in January of 1912 on Olympic which was Titanic's sister ship. When they traveled to Egypt, a friend Maggie Brown joined them. They decided to return to the States on the Titanic when Madeleine got word that her grandson was ill. On board the mighty ship, other passengers refused to eat with the Astors except their friend Maggie Brown.
On the night of the 14th, they were eating dinner with their friend Maggie Brown. At 11:40 pm, John Jacob felt something and then went up to the deck to investigate. He came back and told Madeleine that everything  was alright. Shortly after midnight, there was a knock on the door by a steward who told them to put on their lifebelts and come up to the deck. John took Madeleine to the gym and explained to her that she had to get into a lifeboat.
At 1:40 am, Lifeboat 4 with Madeleine aboard was lowered into the frigid water. Their boat picked up eight survivors but two died. The next morning at 6:00 am, they boarded the ship Carpathia and she asked where her husband was.
In New York, John's son Vincent learned that his new stepmother was saved. In August of 1912, she gave birth to a son that she named John Jacob after his father. June of 1916, she married William Dick who was able to take care of her.

research help: ' Titanic Love Stories' by Gill Paul

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

cotton candy or me page 1

cotton candy or me page 1 by ric gustafson

I carefully walked down the concrete steps as I stared at the ticket. As I walked, I looked at the row numbers for a specific row. " Here it is row 6". I turned toward my wife who was walking behind me. " Our seats are nine and ten". We sat down. I smiled because we were close to home plate.
" These seats are great" I said as I gave her a hug. " Thank you for getting these".
" Your welcome". She noticed the time on the giant scoreboard. " I'm going to go get something to drink".
" Will you get me something too?".
" Sure". She gets up and leaves.
I watch the players warm up as their names are announced over the PA system. I was happy because I loved baseball and these were the best seats we had ever had here.

Peace and God's blessings on a beautiful Saturday afternoon. Love Ric

Friday, August 9, 2013

Eva B page 10

Eva B page 10 by ric gustafson

Bormann got an unexpected visitor. Hans Baur came into the Bunker wearing a leather coat with a Badge of Honor on it. A camouflage cap was tilted on his head.
" Eva, I can still fly out you and Adi". He stared at me with sad eyes. " You must convince him".
" He won't go".
Goebbels came into the room. " Herr Goebbels, I can still fly you, Magda and the children to safety".
" The children are now taking their nap" he replied. " Besides, how do know that you can get us out of here safely?".
" I am the Fuhrer's pilot". He smiled. " In fact, I have been flying since the age of sixteen". He looks at me. " Why won't the Fuhrer leave?". He watches me scribble in a book.
" What are you writing?".
" Memories of being with Adi". At lunch I find out that Hans adjutant was able to get out of Berlin with Adi's last will and testament. Hans and I eat noodles and vegetable cutlets. I drink grape juice from a tumbler that has little Nazi flags on it.
He looks at Magda. " Let me at least fly the children out".
She gives him a stern stare. " The children will stay with us".
I know that Adi will return soon from the map room and then we can discuss our wedding.

research help: ' The Patient Ecstasy of Fraulein Braun' by Lavonne Mueller

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Eva B page 9

Eva B page 9 by ric gustafson

The shelling up above has been getting worse. Because of this, Bormann has asked upper level officers to remove their rank from their uniforms. For my wedding to Adi, I've decided to have Bormann and Goebbels as witnesses and Magda as my maid of honor. It was such a happy day when Adi became chancellor. I was very proud of him and knew that he would spend less time with me.
I was so proud of Adi and knew that he would rule Germany. That night he came over late after celebrating with his staff. He gave me a vanilla cream cake that had walnuts on top. He was tired and his lips were dry and cracked. We ate in silence until the cake was all gone. At that point, I knew that Germany came first. I kept thinking about my wedding day. That little piece of paper will state that I am Frau Hitler. As a wedding present, Magda could not find a nightgown. Instead, she gave me a Russian shirt that her driver had found. She also gave me a violet scarf to go along with the shirt.
" You look lovely" Magda exclaimed. " Adi will be pleased".

research help: ' The Patient Ecstasy of Fraulein Braun' by Lavonne Mueller

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Pilate page 30

Pilate page 30 by ric gustafson

It was late in the afternoon. An aide walked up to Pilate who had just finished swimming. " My Prefect, there is somebody here to see you".
" Who is it?" he grumbled as he dried himself off.
" It is a member of the Sanhedrin".
" Ok". He quickly got dressed and walked into the palace waiting room.
A member of the Sanhedrin approached. " My Prefect, I am Joseph of Arimathea".
" Yes Councilor".
" A fellow Councilor named Nicodemus and myself seek your permission to bury the body of Jesus of Nazareth".
Surprise came over Pilate's face. " He is already dead!".
" Yes my Prefect, shortly after the ninth hour".
Just then, a shaken up Flavius returned with his execution detail.
" Flavius, did you break the legs of the prisoners?".
" Yes my Prefect, the two robbers but not the third prisoner".
" Why not?".
" He was already dead so one of my men put a lance into his side".
Satisfied with the answer, Pilate looked at the Councilor. " Yes, you have my permission to bury the prisoner".

The End- dedicated to Tom E

research help: ' Pontius Pilate' by Paul L Maier

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Garfield page 2

Garfield page 2 by ric gustafson

May 1880

James Garfield quickly walked into the lobby of the Grand Pacific Hotel carrying an overstuffed bag. Everyone knew who he was and a crowd quickly formed. He was tall and had a full beard and was recognized easily. Even though the Republican National Convention was four days away, the Chicago hotel was full of delegates, lobbyists and newsmen. This political race was between four people and they were calling him a ' dark horse'.
A reporter elbowed up to him. " General Garfield?".
He had represented Ohio in Congress for eighteen years  and had now been elected to the Senate.
" General Garfield, I am a reporter for the Chicago Tribune".
" Please don't ask me about political matters right now". He yawned. " I just arrived in town". He was tired because he had taken the overnight train from Cleveland. He had spent some time at his home in Mentor Ohio where he visited his wife Lucretia. He enjoyed visiting Chicago because of the Lake Michigan waterfront and it's recovery from the great fire of 1871.
Other political leaders had arrived and were staying at the Palmer House or the Grand Pacific.
The reporter stopped him again. " General Garfield, what is your stance on the unit rule?".
" My stance is that all delegates are political units". He went up to the fifth floor where the Ohio delegation were staying. As he wrote to Lucretia that night, he wrote that the unit rule would be the hot topic of the convention.

research help: ' Dark Horse' by Kenneth Ackerman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Pilate page 29

Pilate page 29 by ric gustafson

Pilate was sitting in his study. He heard a knock on the door. " Yes".
" My Prefect".
" Yes".
" My Prefect, there are several priests here to see you".
He walked out to see a group that had formed. " Yes, what is this intrusion?".
One of the priests spoke up. " My Prefect, the titulus that you affixed to the top of that Rabbi's cross is wrong".
" It is". He scratched his chin. " And why would you think that?".
" It reads Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews".
" That is correct".
" My Prefect, it should say that he claimed to be the King of the Jews".
" What I have written, I have written". He left the priests standing where they were and walked back to his study.
He wrote on a parchment that the basis of sentence was constructive treason.
The sentence was crucifixion and there was no appeal.

research help: ' Pontius Pilate' by Paul L Maier

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Garfield page 1

Garfield page 1 by ric gustafson

April 1866

Congressman Roscoe Conkling yawned as he stood up from his chair. They had been debating this bill for four hours. " I propose that we strike out section twenty of this bill". He stood out at six foot three and he had an athletic build. " My objection is that it creates an unnecessary office for an undeserving public servant". At thirty six years old, he was already in his third term. That section of the Military Bill authorized the salary and staff of the provost marshal general.
Congressman James G Blaine walked onto the House floor. " I ask to be recognized". " The gentleman from New York has a difference with General Fry, it is my opinion that the General is an honorable officer".
" I mean no disrespect for General Fry". He looked at the congressman. " I think the statement made from the gentleman from Maine is false".
" I call the gentleman to order".
Blaine tried to interrupt.
" I decline to yield to the gentleman from Maine".
Newspapers around the country wrote about the verbal fireworks between the two congressmen.
Republicans in 1868 wanted General Grant to be their candidate. In 1876, Grant decided to retire and James Blaine became the natural candidate to replace him. Roscoe Conkling became the supreme boss of the New York Republican Party.
In 1880, Rutherford Hayes decided not to seek reelection.

research help: ' Dark Horse' by Kenneth Ackerman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Pilate page 28

Pilate page 28 by ric gustafson

Pilate was now concerned because the unruly crowd was getting larger. He was also worried that a riot might begin. He clapped his hands. An aide walked over. " Bring me a golden basin of water".
It was put in front of the Prefect.
" This court cannot pronounce this prisoner guilty". He hesitated. " But because your Sanhedrin has condemned him to death, the prisoner will be crucified".
The crowd yelled their approval.
Facing the crowd, Pilate dipped his hands into the basin. " My hands are clean of this man's blood". He dried his hands. He pointed at Flavius. " Release Bar-Abbas and then take this prisoner and the two highway robbers to the Skull to be crucified".
" Yes, my Prefect".

research help: ' Pontius Pilate' by Paul L Maier

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, August 5, 2013

come follow me: God's will in my life

come follow me: God's will in my life by ric gustafson

At some point in our lives, we should ask ourselves one question?. What is God's will for my life?. Being a disciple of God not only transforms our mind and emotions but also our will. When we come to Christ, we die to ourselves. The Apostle Paul stated that he had been crucified with Christ and he no longer lived. It was Christ who lived in him and us. When we follow Jesus, our life needs to be totally surrendered to his will. To be a disciple of Christ is to is to lose our lives in his and surrender our ways to his will.
We need to have a relationship with Jesus. We need to go to him and spend time with him. We need to read his Word and obey it. God's will is that we have a relationship with him every day and all the time. The more that we walk in God's will, he will reveal more of it to us. And the place that he will reveal it is through his Word. From the beginning to the end, God's Word reveals God's will. 
God's will is that we will create , call, save and bless his people. Jesus commands us to go and make disciples of all nations.
In order to do that, we need the Holy Spirit's help. The Spirit will help us to witness, to tell others about Jesus. We need to be led by the Holy Spirit in everything that we do. As we turn to Jesus, he transforms us. As we die to ourselves, we begin to live in him. Our heart is cleansed of sin and filled with the Holy Spirit. Our mind and our way of thinking starts to change. God's will in my life is that I go out and make disciples of all nations for Jesus.

research help: ' Follow Me' by David Platt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Pilate page 27

Pilate page 27 by ric gustafson

Pilate walked back outside with a confused look on his face.
Rabbi Ananias spoke up. " My Prefect, if you let this man go free you are not Caesar's friend".
Caiaphas spoke up. " Anyone who would make himself a king defies Caesar".
Now fearful, Pilate studied the ring on his finger. Tiberius gave him the ring because of his loyalty.
" Crucify him" yelled the crowd.
" Shall I crucify your king?".
" We have no king but Caesar".
Pilate looked over at Jesus. He was bleeding, sweating and weakened physically. " Jesus of Nazareth, do you have anything to say in your defense?".
Jesus was silent.
Pilate shook his head and frowned. It was late morning and he wanted to be done with the entire affair.

research help: ' Pontius Pilate' by Paul L Maier

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, August 4, 2013

come follow me: a child of God

come follow me: a child of God by ric gustafson

When we turned from our sins and began to trust Jesus as our Savior, our status changed. As a son or daughter of God, we become children of God. A Christian is one who has God as their Father. Do we know God as Father?. Is our faith more of a servant than as a son or daughter. The Apostle John in I John 3:1 says that the Father's love for us is so large that we shall be called children of God.
God as our Father loves to forgive, loves to provide for us, protect us, comfort us, give to us and discipline us. When we begin to follow Jesus, our minds begin to transform.
As human beings, we crave things such as air, food, water and companionship. Our initial sin has driven us to cravings and desires. Jesus declared that he is the Bread of Life and that we would never be hungry or thirsty again. When we become children of God, we come to Jesus to satisfy our souls. Instead of trying to conquer sins ourselves, we need to let Jesus do that himself. As a child of God, we pray because we crave communication with God. We pray because we want intimacy with God. We worship God because we want God in our lives.

research help: ' Follow Me' by David Platt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Pilate page 26

Pilate page 26 by ric gustafson

A bloodied Jesus now stood next to Pilate.
" Behold the man".
" Crucify" yelled the crowd.
" You crucify him". He stared at Caiaphas. " Take him and crucify him yourselves".
" My Prefect, according to our law this man should die because he claims to be the Son of God".
" The Son of God!". He looked at Jesus.
" My Prefect, this is the worst blasphemy in Hebrew law".
" This is a new charge". He sighed. " I will have to have a private hearing inside". He clapped his hands. " Flavius, bring him inside".
The centurion led Jesus into the palace.
" Where have you come from?".
Jesus was silent.
Pilate stared at Jesus with a look of frustration. " You won't speak to me". He was beginning to lose his patience. " I have the authority to release you or crucify you".
Jesus looked up at the Prefect. " You would have no authority at all over me if it had not been given from above".

research help: ' Pontius Pilate' by Paul L Maier

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Eva B page 8

Eva B page 8 by ric gustafson

General Keitel just limped out of the map room and came into the dining area. Adi insists that Corporal Gotz Rupp attend all general meetings. Adi treats him as a bridge between Adi and the common soldier. I heard the Bunker tremble and heave from the enemy planes above.
Adi's mother loved him very much. His happiest years were in Linz at Humboldtstrasse. He was born on April 20 in the small town of Braunau on the River. Living in this Bunker is my time. I drink coffee with the officers and talk with Adi and Goebbels. Sometimes I go into the kitchen and talk with Fraulein Manzialy our cook. Sometimes people come into the Bunker and ask me if they can talk to Adi. I talk to commanders, diplomats and play with the Goebbel's children. I tried to read ' War and Peace' but only got half way through it. I was friends with IIse Hess because he was Adi's Secretary once. When I mention Hess, Adi gets angry at me. Adi loves sweets and now gets jaundice from all the sugar. His eyes turned yellow and he was sick for a while.

research help: ' The Patient Ecstasy of Fraulein Braun' by Lavonne Mueller

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Eva B page 7

Eva B page 7 by ric gustafson

I can feel explosions above the Bunker. Pieces of concrete shift and fall. I feel safe because this is Speer concrete. This Bunker is thirty feet underground  and has sixteen feet walls and ceiling. The assassination attempt on my Adi was awful and I had terrible moments. I was eating dinner with a neighbor when I got the dreadful news. I was shocked and dropped some of my food into my lap. Thank goodness he was still alive. If he had died, I don't know how I would have kept going.
To tell Germany he was still alive, He gave a speech on the radio. Colonel Count Von Stauffenberg and others were executed.
When I first came to this Bunker, I called my mother every day. My sister Gretl was expecting and I was worried about their safety and welfare. Munich was being shelled a lot and life was tough there. After a while, I could only write letters when the phone system broke down.
One day, we were talking about Goering.
" That traitor" Adi said loudly as he munched on radishes.
All of a sudden, Adi froze and he could not do anything for fifteen.
Eventually he recovered.
I wish he wouldn't do that.
That frightens me.

research help: ' The Patient Ecstasy of Fraulein Braun' by Lavonne Mueller

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Pilate page 25

Pilate page 25 by ric gustafson

The sweating lictor lashed Jesus's back with much vigor. Jesus's blood was flowing onto the stone pavement of the courtyard.
After a while, Pilate walked over and clapped his hands. " That's enough".
The lictor stopped.
What happened next was an old Roman custom of mocking the prisoner. A soldier found an old purple lictor's robe and put it on Jesus. Another soldier took branches from a thorn bush and formed it into a prickly crown. It was jammed onto the top of Jesus's head and blood began to seep down his face. A reed was placed into his right hand. As Jesus silently stood, the entire company of soldiers fell onto their knees and saluted him.
" Hail, King of the Jews" they yelled.
One by one, they walked past Jesus. Some slapped his face and some spit on him.
After a while, Pilate clapped his hands again. " Enough of this".
He pointed toward Flavius. " Bring him outside".

research help: ' Pontius Pilate' by Paul L Maier

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, August 2, 2013

Pilate page 24

Pilate page 24 by ric Gustafson

Pilate studied the note that was just handed to him. It was written by his wife. In the note she warned him to stay away from the Rabbi from Galilee. He frowned and then put the note into a front pocket.
He looked out over the ever growing crowd. " Which of the two Jesus's shall I release to you?". He pointed at both men. " The Nazarene or Bar Abbas?".
A cry came from the crowd. " Bar Abbas, Bar Abbas".
" Then what am I to do with Jesus of Nazareth?".
The cry got louder. " Let him be crucified".
" Why, what has he done?".
" Crucify him".
" I do not find him guilty of any capital offense". He tried to reason with the crowd. " I will therefore flog him and then let him go".
The crowd screamed. " Crucify him".
Pilate's patience ran out. He pointed toward a nearby lector. " Take the prisoner into the palace courtyard and scourge him".

research help: ' Pontius Pilate' by Paul L Maier

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Pilate page 23

Pilate page 23 by ric gustafson

Pilate studied the note that was just handed to him. It was from Herod Antipas stating that he was returning the prisoner. The note also invited himself and Procula to a dinner party.
He looked up to see that the prisoner and the crowd had returned. He stared at Caiaphas. " You have brought this prisoner before me under a charge of subversion". He looked at the crowd. " I do not find this man guilty of the charges". He stared at Caiaphas again. " I will therefore flog him for disturbing the peace and let him go".
The crowd screamed " crucify him".
Pilate was worried because this hearing was getting out of hand.
All of a sudden, he smiled. " As is the custom each Passover, I will release one prisoner".
He stared at the unruly crowd. " Jesus Bar-Abbas or Jesus of Nazareth".

research help: ' Pontius Pilate' by Paul L Maier

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric