Sunday, December 1, 2013

Christmas: follow that star

Christmas: follow that star by ric gustafson

The New Testament starts with a story of Persian astrologers who followed a strange star to the crib of the Christ child. These astrologers were probably students of the Word. They probably studied the Prophet Daniel and probably studied Hebrew scriptures. This group of Magi must of had hearts that burned for the longing of the promised Messiah. Like the Magi, we should study God's Word with longing and anticipation of his coming. The Magi were persistent in their following of the star. We do not know exactly where they came from, but we do know that it was a long journey. Coming into Jerusalem, they inquired about a newborn ' King of the Jews'.
Just like the Magi, we need a heart of joy, worship and giving. During this Christmas season, we need to lift our eyes to the star on top of the tree. We need to study his Word, long for his presence and appearing, follow him daily and worship him always with joy.

research help: Turning Points December 2012

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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