Friday, December 6, 2013

through the eyes of a child revision page 17

through the eyes of a child revision page 17 by ric gustafson

Kelly's stomach growled as she struggled against the heavy rope securing her to the bed.
He came in carrying a tray with two bowls of something to eat. He sat down in an old wicker chair and began to eat.
She stared at him as her stomach growled. " What is that?".
He ate a spoonful. " I call it homemade beef stew".
" I'm really hungry". She struggled against the rope. " Can I have some please?".
" Ok, on the promise of no funny business". He moved toward her. " Otherwise my rifle is right over there and I won't hesitate to use it".
" I promise".
He quietly untied one of her hands and put the other bowl of stew on her lap.
She began to eat and studied her captor. He was short, pudgy, wore glasses and she could tell he was an introvert.
" I figured your father would go back to the scene of the crime". He began to drink from a bottled water. " So I put a ransom note there".
Kelly kept eating. " He will figure you out from your handwriting".
" No he won't" he replied loudly as he stood up and took away her bowl and spoon. " I cut out the letters from magazines to write out the ransom note".
He tied the rope around her hands and then walked away.
" My father will find me" she said with hope in her eyes. " He will".

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