Sunday, December 15, 2013

the Ginormous Juice stand page 2

the Ginormous Juice stand page 2 by ric gustafson

Mark grinned. " You have an ache or pain?".
Missy looked at her friend. " Actually my back has been bothering me".
Barbara glanced at her watch. " Missy, we need to go".
He poured some juice into a small plastic cup. " Here, just try it".
She took the small cup and gulped it down. Instantly, she felt warmth in her lower back. " I think it's working already".
Barbara stamped her foot. " Missy, let's go".
She handed him the now empty cup. " Sorry I have to go". As she turned, she noticed a stack of pamphlets on the right corner of the table. " What are those?".
He smiled and handed her one. " It's for the church that I belong to".
Missy glanced at it for a second. " What church is that?".
" It's right down the street". He pointed. " It's called ' The Who Cares About God Megachurch'.

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