Friday, December 27, 2013

Matthew 20: 1-16 page 2

Matthew 20: 1-16 page 2 by ric gustafson

About 9:00, Diane was helping a potential worker fill out an application form. Her phone rang. " Diane, this is Doreen". The tired voice continued. " That landowner called and he needs more workers".
" Ok, I'll ask those who are here". She looked up from her phone. " Is there anybody willing to do a one day outside job for $240".
Several hands shot up.
" There is a van outside to take you to the landowner's property". This occurred again at 12 noon and around 3:00. At about 5:00, she noticed that Roger Allen was still sitting in the waiting area. " Roger, why are you still sitting here?".
" Nobody 's given me a job today".
Her phone rang.
" Roger, would you like a quick job for an hour doing an outside labor project for a local landowner?".
Joyfully he stood up. " You bet".
" The van is outside to take you to the job".
Roger ran out to the van.
At 6:00, the landowner came and gave Doreen a folder full of pay envelopes to give to the workers.
At 6:30, the workers came back and waited in the waiting area to receive their wages.
Doreen handed Bobby and John their pay envelopes. They smiled when they saw $ 240 in cash. They were very tired and sunburned.
Roger opened his pay envelope and was totally surprised. Even though he worked only one hour, he still had $240 in cash in his envelope.
" Wait a minute" Bobby said out loud as he noticed what Roger was just given. " John and I worked all day in the sun and got sunburned and Roger who worked only one hour got the same amount we did".
The landowner walked out of Doreen's office and now stood next to her. " I have done no wrong because you agreed to the wage I paid you". He raised his hand to end the arguing. " Take what is yours and go".
" The first shall be last and the last first".

The End.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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