Monday, December 30, 2013

New Year Joy: the joy of adversity

New Year Joy: the joy of adversity by ric gustafson

God hides hidden purposes in the adversity he allows. The Apostle Paul wrote several letters in the New Testament which are referred to as the Prison Epistles. He wrote these letters while in prison. He wrote about the hard and difficult times he faced there. Yet the Apostle Paul knew that the suffering and pain he endured was part of God's plan for his life. His adversity in prison gave him the chance to witness to the guards guarding him and others. Paul's adversity provides courage to us and fellow believers. Adversity can strengthen our character in regard to our friendships with others. Adversity can provide growth for our lives. Adversity can purify our motives. Adversity can help us to see better life now and death to come.

research help: ' Turning Toward Joy' by David Jeremiah

Peace and Joy. Love Ric

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