Wednesday, December 4, 2013

the madman of Gadara page 5

the madman of Gadara page 5 by ric gustafson

Hakim used his staff to keep his swine herd in one place. He had a good fertile place for them with a cliff on one side and the Sea on another. He looked across the field toward the caves. There was a rumor of a madman who lived there.
Two days before the incident, he could tell that a huge storm was brewing on the Sea. His swine herd was acting different and restless and the Sea was getting more choppy. The day of the incident, the storm came very quickly and powerfully. As he stared at the dark choppy Sea, he noticed a small boat in the distance. Then he saw a tall dark bearded man stand up at the back of the boat and put his arms up into the air. To Hakim's amazement, the wind immediately died down, the waves stopped and the Sea became calm as glass.
Hakim watched as the small boat pulled up to the shore and two men holding oars got out. All of a sudden, Hakim saw the madman rush out of a cave rattling his chain. He ran toward the boat screaming. The two men raised their oars to defend the others. The tall bearded man quietly got out of the boat.
He stopped in front of the madman.
" What business do you have with me, Jesus the Son of God" bellowed the madman. He fell flat on his face in the sand.
Jesus pointed. " Come out of this man". He stared at the madman with love in his eyes. " What is your name?".
A strange voice came out of the madman's mouth. " Legion".
Hakim heard another strange voice come out of the madman. " Don't send us away". Then a hesitation. " Send us into that swine herd instead".
Jesus looked over at Hakim's herd. " Go".
Hakim heard a loud squeal and then in horror, watched his herd start to rush toward the edge of the cliff. He ran after them but it was too late. The herd went over the edge, fell into the Sea and then drowned. Horrified, Hakim ran as fast as he could back to town.

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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