Saturday, December 7, 2013

through the eyes of a child revision page 18

through the eyes of a child revision page 18 by ric gustafson

Charles walked along the trail slowly as he looked around. He was hoping that maybe he would see something that would give them a break in the case. A small quiet voice had told him to take another stroll around the park. As he walked toward the clearing where his daughter disappeared, tears came to his eyes. Silently, he prayed to God that his daughter was safe. He walked up to the park bench and sat down.
" Mr Brown".
He turned and noticed the grinning face of a young female jogger.
" I'm Jenni Morris and I'm in two of Kelly's classes" she said as she took off some headphones. " I pray that she will be ok".
He gave her a big hug. " Me too".
He returned to the bench. As he turned to leave, he noticed a sheet of paper stuck to the bottom of one of the rungs. He knelt down and picked it up. As he began to read what was on it, his eyes got big with sudden fear. In horror, he quickly glanced around the clearing. He took out his cell phone and put in a number. He stared at the street ahead of him. " Detective Springer please". He hesitated. " Hello Detective". A slight smile came to his face. " Detective, I think I've discovered our first clue".

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