Monday, December 2, 2013

Christmas: a Silent Night

Christmas: a Silent Night by ric gustafson

It is now December and it is a busy one. School programs, trips, shopping, office parties and entertaining. God wants us to put one thing at the top of that list, time with him. Among all the busyness of the season, we need to spend quality time with Jesus our Lord. Matthew 6:6 talks about a secret place where we can spend quiet time with God and Jesus. God wants us to plan a silent quiet night where we can study God's Word and talk to him.
That night, turn off the world, close the door and pray to Jesus to bless your evening. Tell Jesus that you plan to spend the evening with him alone. Then have a good old fashioned bible study. Read Christmas passages in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. Read through the Gospel of John in one sitting. Then praise the Lord and thank him for all the blessings he gives to you. Let the Holy Spirit fill your heart and the room. Confess sins that need to be confessed.
Let this time be a Christmas present to Jesus and it will make our hearts calm and bright.

research help: Turning Points December 2012

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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