Wednesday, December 25, 2013

James 4: 13-17 page 2

James 4: 13-17 page 2 by ric gustafson

Wilma walked out the front door and down the concrete steps. She walked up to the white minivan and then leaned on it. She started to stretch her legs to do her daily jog.
Her husband Mick pulled into the driveway and got out of the green Saturn. He walked over to the blue wooden mailbox and took out their mail. He bent down and picked up their newspaper. " How was the bible study?".
" It was fine" she replied as she began to run in place. " How was your meeting with Mr Jameson?".
" He postponed it until tomorrow but I know I'll get the promotion".
" How do you know that?".
" As much profit as I have earned for them, I know he's going to give me the promotion".
She kept stretching her legs. " Have you ever read James 4?".
" No". He gave her a quizzical stare. " I don't read the bible very much".
" James 4 says that we are like a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes".
" What does that mean?".
" Instead of boasting, you should say if the Lord wills, it will happen".
The next day

She was in the garage putting some gardening tools away when she heard her husband's Saturn pull up into the driveway.
She took a paper bag and knelt down in the front lawn to pick up some leaves. " How did the meeting go?".
He glumly walked toward the front door. " I did not get it".

The End

research help: a Pastor Tyler sermon

Everyone take care. Love Ric

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