Wednesday, December 4, 2013

through the eyes of a child revison page 15

through the eyes of a child revision page 15 by ric gustafson

Kelly opened her eyes and noticed a long rope attached to her hands. She was lying on a small smelly bed that had just a single sheet and a tiny pillow on it. She looked around to see a window that was closed and a small wooden dresser that was near the bed. She thrashed around but the heavy rope was tight around her small delicate hands. " Help me" she screamed as she yanked on the rope and tried to get loose.
" Stop screaming" her kidnapper said as he walked in and put a cardboard box on the dresser. " Nobody can hear you".
" Please somebody save me" she cried as tears began to stream down her young face.
" There is not another cabin for several miles" he said with a grin as he opened the box. He took out some of Kelly's personals. " That's why I picked this cabin".
" God and my Daddy will come and rescue me" she softly replied as her drying tears stung her eyes. " They will come".
He put her personal things into the dresser's drawers. " God doesn't care about you and your Daddy is in his office counting his millions".
" That's a lie!" she said loudly and gave him a stern stare. " Just you wait and see".
He shrugged his shoulders and left the room.
Kelly thrashed against the heavy rope.

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