Saturday, December 14, 2013

the broken Christmas pitcher page 8

the broken Christmas pitcher page 8 by ric gustafson

The next morning, Myron gave the young man a big hug. " Thank you for everything".
Jesus gave him a loving smile. " It's been my pleasure".
" It's so peaceful here I hate to go". He opened the front door to leave.
" Before you go, I have something for you".
Myron closed the door.
Jesus went upstairs and returned with a red decorated Christmas box. " Merry Christmas Myron".
He opened the box to reveal his now completed Christmas pitcher. " Thank you".
" Myron, my father will always be there to put the broken pieces of your life back together again".
Myron thought for a moment and then handed the pitcher to Jesus. " Please put this with all the other mended pitchers that you have".
" I will" Jesus replied as he put it on a nearby table. " My father and I love looking at all the pitchers of our followers that we have helped over the centuries".
" Goodbye" Myron said as he opened the door and gave Jesus a final hug. " Thank you again".
" Remember Myron, God loves you and so do I".
The door closed.

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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