Thursday, December 5, 2013

crimes of the century: Watergate

crimes of the century: Watergate by ric gustafson

During the early morning of June 17 1972, five men were arrested as they tried to bug the Democratic National Committee's offices at the Watergate apartment and office complex. At first, the motive for the crime was unclear but that changed. A White House phone number was found in the burglar's belongings.
At first, President Nixon denied involvement and proclaimed that he was not a crook. But he was involved and tried to pay off the break in team. Secret Oval Office audiotapes showed that Nixon knew about the break in and even ordered it.
On Aug 9 1974, Nixon resigned instead of being impeached. He was later pardoned by President Gerald Ford. President Nixon died on April 22 1994 at age 81 from a stroke.

research help: Enquirer Special Investigation

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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