Monday, December 23, 2013

Christmas Greetings from the Bob Lewis Museum page 2

Christmas Greetings from the Bob Lewis Museum page 2 by ric gustafson

I drove up a long hill and then noticed a small yellow house that was surrounded by a white picket fence. I stopped the car in the large snowy driveway. A sign in the front yard said ' The Bob Lewis Museum come on in'.  Doris and I got out and quietly walked across the yard to a screen door. I knocked.
A big burly man wearing coveralls opened the door. " Hi, I'm Bob Lewis".
" Hi" I replied as Doris smiled. " My wife and I saw your billboard and was curious about your museum".
" Great". He shook my hand. " That'll be two dollars to see it".
I took out my wallet and gave him two ones.
" Follow me, the museum is outside in my barn".
As we walked toward the front door, he pointed toward a side table. " Would you like a Christmas cookie that my wife just baked?".
" No thanks" I replied with a shrug of my head. " I'm diabetic".
We walked out the screen door and walked across the snowy ground. We walked up to what looked like a typical farmer's barn. He opened the latch on the door and slowly opened it. He turned on an inside light. When the light lit up the inside of the barn, my jaw dropped. I saw row after row of everything that you could think of. " What is all this stuff?".
" I opened the Museum to show people my treasures". He smiled at me. " Here I'll show you".
He walked over to a shelf and pointed at an old waffle iron. " My mother made the best waffles".
Doris walked over to an old tractor that was in a corner of the barn. " Jack, my father had a tractor just like this one on the farm where I grew up".
Jack thought for a moment. " Thinking about all this stuff reminds me about Matthew 6".
" About not hoarding treasure but stockpile treasure in heaven".
" You know the bible passage".
" Actually someone years ago showed me that passage". He grinned at Jack. " I'll tell you what I told him".
" What 's that?".
" I enjoy having my treasures with me".
A voice came from the house. " Bob, it's time to eat".
He smiled. " Well, I better lock up".
As we walked out the barn door, he locked it. " Thanks for coming and looking at my Museum". He shook my hand and then walked into the house.
As Doris and I left to continue our journey back home, I pondered what had just happened.

The End.

research help: original story

A Merry Christmas to all of you. Love Ric

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