Friday, December 20, 2013

Noah's wife page 3

Noah's wife page 3 by ric gustafson

Father slightly opened the tent flap. " Daughter, your future husband is here".
I heard the tribesmen outside. " You've come for that demon girl".
" Welcome" Father exclaimed as the stranger walked in.
" I have come for your pure and righteous daughter". He stared at me. " Arrat told me that you are a righteous family who worships the God of Adam".
" My daughter and I worship the God of Adam with each breath". He gave Noah olives, nuts, apricots, bread, cheese and dried goat meat for the journey.
I stared at my future husband. He was old and wrinkled and had bushy eyebrows. I walked out of the tent toward a waiting donkey. My future husband looked strange and ancient. He had a long scraggly beard and thin wrinkled skin.
Father helped me up onto the donkey. He put the gifts into some saddlebags. " Daughter, by showing devotion to your husband you please God".
" Ok Father".
Noah led the donkey past several of the tribesmen who had gathered.
' Goodbye Father' I thought to myself as I watched Father walk back to the tent.

research help: ' Sinners and the Sea' by Rebecca Kanner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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