Wednesday, December 25, 2013

James 4: 13-17 page 1

James 4: 13-17 page 1 by ric gustafson

Wilma Heinrich put down the study of Job she was working on. She walked over to the foyer closet, opened it and took out a green vacuum cleaner. As she plugged it in, she heard her husband walk into the kitchen.
" Hi honey" Mick Heinrich said as he put his dark brown briefcase on the new countertop. " Guess what happened at work?".
She sat down and began to work on her bible study. " What?".
He walked over and gave her a peck on the cheek. " At the meeting today we found out profits are up, sales are up and mostly because of me".
She sipped from a bottled water. " Really".
" Tomorrow, I have a meeting with Mr Jameson" he exclaimed as he glanced at the mail. " I have a feeling that I will be getting that Vice President promotion".
She got up, walked over to the dishwasher and opened it to empty it out. " How do you know that?".
" I just know it". He smiled at his wife. " Just you wait and see".
He watched her as she took a washcloth and began to wipe down the countertop. " Why are you cleaning the house?".
" God willing, I'm going to have bible study here tomorrow".
" Oh that's right" he replied with a grin as he began to walk upstairs. " I'll let you know about my new job promotion".

research help: a Pastor Tyler sermon

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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